PDF文件:https://github.com/Morakito/Real-Time-Rendering-4th-CN/releases/tag/v1.0 源文件仓库:https://github.com/Morakito/Real-Time-Rendering-4th-CN 在线网站:https://www.realtimerendering.com 勘误网站:https://www.realtimerendering.com/corrigenda.html 参考文件网站:https://www.realtimerendering...
Chapter 13 Beyond Polygons 超越多边形.md Chapter 14 Volumetric and Translucency Rendering 体.md Chapter 15 Non-Photorealistic Rendering 非真实感渲染.md Chapter 16 Polygonal Techniques 多边形技术.md Chapter 17 Curves and Curved Surfaces 曲线和曲面.md Chapter 18 Pipeline Optimization ...
HelloGitHub 评分 2.6k 星数 是 中文 Other 主语言 是 活跃 6 贡献者 5 Issues 否 组织 1.0 最新版本 349 Forks 无 协议 更多 介绍 这是《Real-Time Rendering》第四版的中文翻译项目,该书是实时渲染领域的经典之作,非常适合从事游戏开发、3D 图形、VR/AR 等领域的开发者学习。
Real-Time Rendering 4th Edition 全彩892M百度网盘下载地址 上传者:manoerina0411时间:2018-11-12 Real-time Operating Systems Book 2 – The Practice There’s something really satisfying about turning theory into practice, bringing with it a great feeling of accomplishment. Moreover it usually deepens ...
Real-Time Rendering 4rd全彩高清 Real-Time Rendering 4rd最新版,高清大概800M,详细介绍渲染知识 上传者:qq_36696486时间:2019-07-20 Real-Time Rendering 4th Edition 全彩892M百度网盘下载地址.txt Real-Time Rendering 4th Edition 全彩892M百度网盘下载地址。。。 上传者:cw_085424...
《Real-Time Rendering 4th》第三章 图形处理单元 The Graphics Processing Unit - 上 Blanit 1 人赞同了该文章 目录 收起 3.1 数据并行式架构(Data-Parallel Architectures) 3.2 GPU管线总览(GPU Pipeline Overview) 3.3 可编程着色器阶段(The Programmable Shader Stage) 3.4 可编程着色和API的演变(The Evol...
遇到知识网络图中不太明白的地方,可以先在“《Real-Time Rendering 3rd》提炼总结.pdf”中搜索该名词进行初步了解,或者使用google/google学术搜索进行进一步了解。当然,也可以查阅《Real-Time Rendering 3rd》原文。 三、系列文章的Github版本 不少朋友喜欢阅读Github Markdown版,这里也为大家准备好了【《Real-Time Rend...
The authors would like to emphasize that a key solution of uncovering and ensuring that the causative attacks that have been mentioned in Table 1 are dealt with, is to employ advanced anomaly detection techniques because the complexity of these attacks changes overnight rendering the network ...
Incorporating hand gesture recognition in human–robot interaction has the potential to provide a natural way of communication, thus contributing to a more fluid collaboration toward optimizing the efficiency of the application at hand and overcoming pos
Web3D applications, including Web3D online tourism, Web3D online architecture, Web3D online education environment, Web3D online medical care, and Web3D online shopping are examples of these applications that leverage 3D rendering on the web. These applications have pushed the boundaries of traditional...