The code is made in CodesysV2.3 but will also work in Codesys V3 (but in V3 a Union is shorter though) TYPEST_BYTE_TO_REAL:STRUCTB0:BYTE;B1:BYTE;B2:BYTE;B3:BYTE;REAL_OUT:POINTERTOREAL;END_STRUCTEND_TYPE The function fills the STRUCT and returns the correct decimal number from the ...
e后面跟的是10的指数(也就是1的10次方,e表示10次方) 1e1表示1×101,其实就是10。 1.0e-3 e后面跟的是10的指数(也就是1的10次方,e表示10次方) 1.0e-3表示1×10-3,其实就是0.001。 1.e-3 省略了小数点后面的0,它的值与1.0e-3表示的值相等。 再例如 5e2f 其中f表示浮点数表示5×102,也就是50...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于codesys real_to_string 科学计数法的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及codesys real_to_string 科学计数法问答内容。更多codesys real_to_string 科学计数法相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现
hello, i'm new in coding with codesys is there any help about how to convert array of 4 byte to real thank you for your support It depends. First you need to know more about the exact format. Is it a 32bit IEEE floating point number, which is just packed into an array of 4 bytes?
A custom-programmed HMI allows access to a Banner SureCross DX80 Gateway Pro with CoDeSys software. Using a free, open source, designers can now program the gateways to manipulate data like a PLC. Real Time Automation recently created this type of solution for Banner Engineering Corp., in Minn...
I agree with you: buggy conversion is that performed by REAL_TO_STRING. I tried this code on a Wago 750-849 VARff:REAL:=159.155;ss:STRING(20);bb:ARRAY[0..3]OFBYTE;p:POINTERTOBYTE;i:INT;END_VARp:=ADR(ff);FORi:=0TO3DObb[i] :=p^;p:=p+1;END_FORss:=REAL_TO_STRING(ff);...
REAL_TO_DW function which is written the same way as TimvH's example. There is a lot of good stuff in the library Another way I have done this is with overlapping marker addresses. VARMyRealAT%MW0:REAL;MyBytesAT%MW0:ARRAY[0..3]OFBYTE;END_VAR ...
hermsen-2021-08-17 Opened 2 times the same question, once in Engineering, once here ;-) The Engineering thread is also UNION solution. Log into post a comment.
forgot to mention am beginning in ST All the help is really more then welcom!!! Thanks in advance Yan Hi Yan, There's a standard function block in codesys library called LIN_TRAFO which is in REAL. Try that. resolution is only 12 bits not 16 however wago has a 15 bits version if ...