HID Real-Time PCR Analysis Software enables virtual standard curve functionality to minimize variation. This feature allows the user to define appropriate standard curve values (y-intercept and slope) for all targets applicable to the assay being ru...
Applied Biosystems ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR System;384孔模块,分析软件:QuantStudio™ Real-Time PCR Software;欢迎各位同行老师交流合作哈:由于不少老师拿到实验结果后想自己用软件打开原始数据调整一下,今天就为各位简要介绍一下QuantStudio™ Real-Time PCR Software软件的使用方法: 软件下载地址:https://www.t...
From Ct analysis of your real-time PCR gene expression experiments, to allele cluster analysis of TaqMan® SNP Assay data, to CNV copy number determination, to HRM-curve generation, we create software that enables you to easily analyze data from
软件下载地址:https://www.thermofisher.cn/cn/zh/home/technical-resources/software-downloads/applied-biosystems-viia-7-real-time-pcr-system.html?SID=fr-viia7-3 安装好软件后双击软件图标,进入主界面:2.点击软件右上角,“File”下拉菜单 3.单击“open”,选择需要打开的原始数据;3.并点击右下角的“...
4) 导出来的数据显示如下如下,“Well”列是孔的编号;"CT"列则为检测到的CT值;导出数据后即可根据个人的分析需求进行个性化分析和比较。 PS:下边这个就是我们qPCR利器:Applied Biosystems ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR System;重复性好,通量高,周期短:样本量不是特别大的情况下,完全可以在同一个板上完成检测,减少...
NOTE Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program 16 1 Getting Started with the Aria Software Getting Started with the Aria Software Introduction To view the Introduction, click Introduction (near the top right corner of the Home screen). The text on this screen provides an overview of the AriaMx/...
Real-time PCR has become a widely used technique for a variety of applications, such asgene expression,mutational analysis, and pathogen detection. Many biotechnology companies offer real-time PCR instruments with data analysis software packages to assist with these applications. However, some software...
Real-Time PCR Analysis Software CFX Maestro Software is built to work with the CFX series of real-time PCR systems and is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use comprehensive tool for plate setup, data collection, data analysis, and data visualization of real-time PCR results. ...
The system has demonstrated fast and efficient on-chip real-time PCR analysis using human genomic DNA samples. The implementation of the system integration is a multi-thread Windows software with component structure which is written in Visual C++.Qinghui Wang...
“Researchers want to focus on results, not process,” said Aaron Burke, Bio-Rad Global Product Manager, Gene Expression Division. “Bio-Rad’s response is to deliver software that makes real-time PCR as painless as possible, from plate setup to data analysis to publication. We...