Real-time fire mapping.Reports on the development software to provide real-time forest fire mapping to ground-based fire managers. The technology as developed by the Academy of Infrared Thermography of Kamloops, British Columbia; The techniques' use of a pen-input notebook computer and a trained...
NetFlow Analyzer is a real-time NetFlow traffic analysis tool that provides visibility into the network bandwidth performance. Download a free trial now!
“The platform simplifies API management and accelerates digital transformation initiatives. [TIBCO] empowers businesses to respond swiftly to changing market dynamics [and] enables real-time data synchronization for enhanced business agility.” ...
Mapping fire regimes across time and space: Understanding coarse and fine-scale fire patterns Maps of fire frequency, severity, size, and pattern are useful for strategically planning fire and natural resource management, assessing risk and ecological conditions, illustrating change in disturbance regimes...
Real-Time Rendering 笔记 里面有些公式和矩阵无法在电脑上书写,故用纸笔记录了一些笔记,比如公式的推算,注意要点等. 由于电子书是黑白图, 不好理解, 所以弄了彩色配图上来 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.实时渲染---图像在计算机上快速的显示 2. 15fps ---实时渲染的基本fps. 72fps以及更大的fps观察者无法发现...
An XMPP server licensed under the Open Source Apache License. - Releases · igniterealtime/Openfire
Games202高质量实时渲染_lecture4_shadow maping2 1 PCF 2 VSSM 3 MIPMAP 4 moment shadow mapping 5 视频 1 PCF PCSS 第一步和第三步会比较慢,如何解决呢?提出了软阴影。 2 VSSM VSSM为了解决PCF的问题,用的是切比雪夫,没有用正态分布,正态分布这里是为了理解。 我的深度在整个深度中排名多少 Shadow.....
since all semitransparent texels are all discarded. The edges of the texture are trimmed back to the texel centers, which can look “skeletal” and different than how the asset was created. Update: Angelo Pesce notes that, with a tight alpha test, standard mipmapping can cause the area cover...
fire danger in the eastern state regions MODIS includes middle infrared bands where absorbance of water normally occurs which makes MODIS products especially suitable for determining real-time forest fuel moisture a critical parameter for predicting fire events and constructing fire danger indices The ...
Real-time service deployment covers the following aspects:Initialize a real-time service.Deploy a real-time service predictor.Deploy a batch service transformer.The servi