“The platform simplifies API management and accelerates digital transformation initiatives. [TIBCO] empowers businesses to respond swiftly to changing market dynamics [and] enables real-time data synchronization for enhanced business agility.” ...
Not only isNASA Worldviewan active fires map, but it’s also a live imagery map. This means that you can see forest fires and (coarse) imagery as they are collected in near real-time. If you want to view fires in Worldview, click “Add Layers” and it has a whole category for wi...
In order to further improve the real-time performance of the deep learning-based fire detection algorithm, this paper proposes a fire detection algorithm based on MobileNetV3-large and YOLOv4 (hereafter referred to as MobileNetV3-large-YOLOv4 algorithm), the structure of which is shown in Fig.1...
Over time, those who chose the rougher freer life of the up country came to think of themselves as the Hill People. We believe in personal liberty. We believe in the armed individual as the fundamental unit of personal liberty and human dignity. You can read more about that here. We ...
45 × 2 for a 900 ms time window, and were applied to the readout layer (Fig. 5c). The readout layer was based on a CNN with a 6 × 2 convolution kernel and a stride of two in the first layer. The resulting 20 × 1 feature map was then fed to the second ...
time strategy game with no exceptions. Set in the distant future where mega corporation battle themselves this standalone title comes with multiplayer (LAN and internet) support, competent skirmish bots as well as an integrated map editor. It allows for spectators to join and replays to be ...
there is a scope of Google Cloud apparatuses for clients to look over to help facilitate a porti...
Evangelista-Salazar ( 2003 ), Real-time AVHRR forest fire detection in Mexico (1998–2000) , Int. J. Remote Sens. , 24 ( 1 ), 9 – 22 .Galindo, I., Lopez-Perez, P., and Evangelista-Salazar, M.: Real- time AVHRR forest fire detection in Mexico (1998-2000), Int. J. Remote ...
varzoomLevelBefore=pruneCluster._map.getZoom();varzoomLevelAfter=pruneCluster._map.getBoundsZoom(bounds,false,newL.Point(20,20,null));// If the zoom level doesn't changeif(zoomLevelAfter===zoomLevelBefore){// Send an event for the LeafletSpiderfierpruneCluster._map.fire('overlappingmarkers',...