Watch:Real-Time Detection Transformer (RT-DETR) Overview of Baidu's RT-DETR.The RT-DETR model architecture diagram shows the last three stages of the backbone {S3, S4, S5} as the input to the encoder. The efficient hybrid encoder transforms multiscale features into a sequence of image featu...
DETRs Beat YOLOs on Real-time Object Detection DETR 在实时目标检测方面超越 YOLO 论文链接: 论文作者 Yian Zhao, Wenyu Lv, Shangliang Xu, Jinman Wei, Guanzhong Wang, Qingqing Dang, Yi Liu, Jie Chen 内容简介 该论文提出了一种名为Real-Time DEtection ...
The efficient design of RT-DETR allows for real-time object detection without sacrificing accuracy. But the model still requires a large amount of computing resources, which may limit its deployment on resource constrained devices. To make the model more lightweight, we propose a Real-Time ...
该论文提出了一种名为Real-Time DEtection TRansformer(RT-DETR)的新型实时目标检测框架,据称是首个能够在速度和准确性上同时超越现有先进YOLO检测器的端到端对象检测器。RT-DETR通过设计高效的混合编码器和不确定性最小的查询选择机制,显著提高了检测速度和准确性,并支持通过调整解码器层数来灵活调整检测速度,以适应...
作者: 结果: Introduction: 检测框架分为两阶段(two-stage)和单阶段(one-stage),从anchor的角度又可分为anchor-based以及anchor-free的。这些框架都需要做NMS的后处理。后来DETR-style检测框架就不需要NMS了。…
Explore RT-DETR, a high-performance real-time object detector. Learn how to use pre-trained models with Ultralytics Python API for various tasks. Tips forValueError: matrix contains invalid numeric entrieswhile training. ...
解决问题 DETR精度高,但速度慢。 改进: 解耦尺度内交互和跨尺度特征融合 S3,S4,S5三个特征层作为encoder的输入 高效编码器的主要操作: AIFI:仅对S5的特征进行Attention操作 CCFM:对S3,S4,S5的特征进行融合 IoU-aware查询选择 Iou-aware查询
This study introduces a novel smoke detection system that utilizes the real-time detection Transformer (RT-DETR) architecture to enhance the speed and precision of video analysis. Our system integrates advanced modules, including triplet attention, ADown, and a high-level screening-feature fusion ...
FNI-DETR: real-time DETR with far and near feature interaction for small object detection In recent years, real-time object detectors have gained significant traction in domains such as autonomous driving, industrial inspection, and remote sensi... Zixian Han,Dongli Jia,Lei Zhang,... - IOP Pu...
为了解决上述问题,作者提出了实时检测 TRansformer (RT-DETR),这是第一个实时端到端目标检测器。具体来说,作者设计了一种高效的混合编码器,通过解耦尺度内交互和跨尺度融合来有效处理多尺度特征,并提出 IoU 感知查询选择,通过向解码器提供更高质量的初始对象查询来进一步提高性能。此外,作者提出的检测器支持通过使用...