shadow memory module for fast rewriting of the PE's operation codes that is needed for dynamically reconfiguration PE array during data processing; control unit for the execution of instructions written in control register before data processing. Figure III-1: RPA Minitera-2 cell architecture ...
608 CUDA cores, and delivers up to 16 trillion floating point operations in parallel with 16 trillion integer operations per second. The chip encompasses 18.6 billion transistors on a 754 mm2 die. So a little smaller than Volta, still the reigning giant with 21 billion transistors occupying a...
Solution of the turbocompressor boundary condition for one-dimensional gas-dynamic codes. Math. Comput. Model. 2010, 52, 1288–1297. [CrossRef] 41. DIPPR@801. Evaluated Standard Thermodynamic Property Values; Design Institute for Physical properties, Sponsored by AIChE; AIChE: New York, NY, ...