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321-kb eDRAM arrays are integrated in a 1.6 mm2, 65nm LDPC decoder suitable for IEEE 802.11ad. The LDPC decoder consumes 38 mW for a 1.5 Gb/s throughput at 90 MHz and 10 decoding iterations, and it achieves up to 9 Gb/s at 540 MHz....
Define central processor. central processor synonyms, central processor pronunciation, central processor translation, English dictionary definition of central processor. Noun 1. central processor - the part of a computer that does most of the data proces
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It is ubiquitously expressed in mouse tissues and codes a protein of 1039 amino acids (17). To disrupt the mouse Man2c1 gene, a 5.7-kb XhoI DNA fragment containing exons 4–14 was subcloned from the Mouse Genomic λ FIX II library (Stratagene) into pBlueScript-SK− (Stratagene). The...
[SELECTED RESEARCH GRANTS IN RECENT YEARS] 1 Funding Organization National Key R&D Program of China Program Optoelectronics and microelectronic devices and integration Title Key Technologies of Dynamic Reconfigurable System Chips for Information Security ...