There are example ways to do it in the template files , or as you have seen, using XPM you could also use the "memory wizard" in the tools, this might be of interest Expand Post LikeReply hdlguy (Member) 2 years ago Yes,...
conceptually it is not like a Verilog event-driven simulator (using the simulation semantics), but a Verilog synthesizer that happens to feed the result into a netlist simulator (using the synthesis semantics) instead of a place-and-route tool. ...
Just adding +1 that this would be useful.-I(forread_verilogand-incdirforreaddon't work. Those only work for include files and not for files used by $readmemh). As of writing, commitc26b2bf$readmemhaslogicfor trying first in the tool CWD followed by checking local to where the file is...
I have been experimenting with file-based initialization of Verilog multidimensional arrays. Until now i succeeded initializing with the help of flat temp. array --- reg charMem; reg colMem; reg charMemTmp; reg colMemTmp; initial begin $readmemh("DE0_CV_SCREE...
Hello forum Members, I have been experimenting with file-based initialization of Verilog multidimensional arrays. Until now i succeeded