$readmemh("example.mem", memory, 0, 3); //读取文件 end 上述代码中,定义了一个32位宽度的内存数组memory,然后使用$readmemh命令读取文件example.mem中的数据,并将其存储到memory数组中。 二、Readmemh在Verilog中的应用 Readmemh在Verilog中的应用非常广泛,特别是在模拟器中进行仿真时,可以使用Readmemh命令将数据...
在Verilog中,readmemh是一个用于从文件中读取数据并存储到内存中的内置函数。本文将介绍如何使用Verilog的readmemh函数,并说明其在数字电路设计中的应用。 我们需要了解readmemh的语法和用法。readmemh函数的语法如下: readmemh(file, memory) 其中,file是一个字符串,代表要读取的文件名;memory是一个内存变量,用于存储从...
I am trying to use a parameter with $readmemh, for example: parameter rom_file = "data.txt" ... $readmemh(rom_file, rom); Which gives the error: Error (10853): Verilog HDL error at rom_single.v(31): argument 0 to $readmemh must be a string literal I would like to be in...
There are example ways to do it in the template files , or as you have seen, using XPM you could also use the "memory wizard" in the tools, this might be of interest https://projectf.io/posts/initialize-memory-in-verilog/ Expand Post LikeReply hdlguy (Member) 2 years ago Yes,...
@tilk @dh73 This is actually an issue with how Yosys handles the SystemVerilog logic type. If you replace logic with reg in the last example: module test(input [3:0] addr, output [7:0] data); reg [7:0] mem[0:15]; assign data = mem[addr]; integer i; initial for(i = 0; ...
在initial块中,我们调用readmemh函数来读取名为example.txt的文件,并将读取到的数据存储到memory数组中。在always块中,我们通过address来访问存储的数据,并将其赋值给data。 四、文件路径 在使用readmemh函数时,文件路径是一个非常重要的问题。默认情况下,文件应当位于当前工作目录中,否则Verilog编译器将无法找到它。为了...
Also, place therom.hexfile into the same subdirectory. Now imagine that this Verilog file is part of a larger project with many pieces. You might wish to synthesize it from the basic directory rather than the subdirectory using a command such as, ...
reg charMem; reg colMem; initial begin $readmemh("DE0_CV_SCREENCHAR.txt",charMem); $readmemh("DE0_CV_SCREENCOL.txt" ,colMem); $readmemh("DE0_CV_SCREENPAL.txt" ,palMem); end => I get: "10853 verilog HDL error ... : argument 1 to $readmemh must b...
Hello forum Members, I have been experimenting with file-based initialization of Verilog multidimensional arrays. Until now i succeeded