build.ps1 Updated nuke to latest. Fixes for .NET 6.0 release. Nov 16, 2021 Updated nuke to latest. Fixes for .NET 6.0 release. Nov 16, 2021 build for unity Nov 27, 2022 global.json Updated nuke to latest. Fixes for .NET 6.0 release. Nov 16, 2021 ...
From a local fileURL: init(fileURL url:URL)throws From a remoteURL: init(remoteURL url:URL)asyncthrows From an XML or JSONString: init(string:String)throws From rawData: init(data:Data)throws Feed Generator XML To generate an XML string for any given XML feed, create an instance of an...
The full YAML/JSON file of your pipeline definition. If YAML pipeline, directly download the full YAML. If classic build pipeline or classic release pipeline, export the YAML / JSON file. The complete debug logs of the latest failed pipeline run. To get the debug logs: ...
Bind data to wpf from json Bind DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate background color to current row color Bind list to DataGrid in WPF Bind ListView ItemsSource to List or Dictionary? Bind to parent DataContext from within DataTemplate Bind treeview to dictionary<string,list<string>> Bind two eleme...
Can we add dll file to Xamarin.Forms? Can we concatenate Binding with StringFormat in XAML? Can we override the clickevent for shell? Can we send whatsapp's messages from a xamarin forms app? can xamarin.forms use system.text.json instead of newtonsoft.json? Can you have more then one...
local json = nk.json_decode(payload) local object_ids = { {collection = json.collection, key = json.key, user_id = user_id} This file has been truncated. show original And here is the lua script I uploaded some hours before the issue: https://gist.g...
Finally, I decided to create an Android Studio plugin to parse that console output to some human-friendly format with the list of requests, the JSON trees, the human-readable headers, etc. OkHttpProfiler So this was an idea of the OkHttpProfiler plugin, and now...
Concise way to create an array of values not found in a complex nested objects and arrays What would a concise way of creating an array of ids where none of the values of the key "number" in array "numbers" in any object of the mainArray array equal the string number 33......
How to make image fit in container? I'm trying to use Bootstrap grid system with rows each has 4 column contains image, but the image size is big and it gets over its container, so I set image position: absolute and div position: relati......
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