What’sthepassageabout?A.Thewaythewritergoestoschool.B.Thewaythewriterhasclasses.C.Thewriter’sschool./Readforgist What’sthestrutureofthepassage?A.B.C./ Readthepassageandanswerthequestions:Q1:Doesthewriterwalktoschool?Q2:Whydotheyhaveclassesonaboat?Q3:Whatdoesthewriterthinkofhisschool?Readfordetai...
All the topics are of general interest and the texts have been written for a non-specialist audience. The readings are intended to be about issues that are appropriate to candidates who will enter postgraduate or undergraduate courses. At least one text will contain detailed logical argument. One...
Read for the gist and details Part 2 1b Task 1 Read for the gist. Skim Peter’s reply and choose the question Flora probably asked in her last email. This means looking quickly through the text to find the main idea without reading every word. It’s a good idea to read the first ...
The reading section lasts for 60 minutes in both the general and academic versions of the exam. IELTS Academic This section has 40 questions that are intended to test a wide variety of reading skills. These skills include reading for gist, reading for main ideas, reading for detail, skimming...
reading for the gist or main idea B.Scanning, i.e. reading to look for specific information C.Predicting, i.e. guessing what is coming next D.Reciting: i.e. memorizing every word 答案:A,B,C 标准答案:A|B|C 题目分数:1.0 2. Forms of transition device adopted in teaching reading ...
Getting the Gist Some people are naturally good at finding the main idea of an essay, and the people we find with the most talent for this tend to be dyslexic. That's right, if you're like me and the ten percent of the population thought to have this disorder - congratulations -...
Match each paragrah with its proper key word . Read for gist & structure Luo Yan's happy family dinner on the Chinese New Year's Eve 感谢您下载包图网平台上提供的PPT作品,为了您和包图网以及原创作者的利益,请勿复制、传播、销售,否则将承担法律责任!包图网将对作品进行维权,按照传播下载次数进行十倍...
Thanksforcomingwithmetoday.Ihopeyouseehowmuchjoyandlearninghappensinourschool.Haveagreatday,andrememberthefuntimeswehadhere!Goodbye!Example 总起句building解释句function表达句feeling Wisemenlearnbyothermen'smistakes;foolsbytheirown Look,therearemanyStudentDormitories.They’rebigandcomfortable.Pleasefollowme,thereis...
1.Howandwhatdopeopleread2.Theskillsinvolvedinreading3.Theroleofvocabularyinreading4.Theprinciples&modelsfor teachingreading5.Theprocedures&typesofactivities inteachingreading 2 Whyshouldweknowthenatureofreading?Tostudents:appropriateandeffectivereadingstrategiesToteachers:helpthestudentstodevelopeffectivereading...