通过read_data或read_restart命令从data或restart文件读入,这些文件可以包含分子拓扑结构信息,这一方法在续算上也很有用。 按照晶格的方式创建原子,这种方式不包含分子拓扑信息,可能会用到如下的一些命令:lattice, region, create_box, create_atoms。 对已经设置好的原子可以用replicate命令复制后生成一个更大规模的计...
read_restart包含速度吗 startto read START命令作用:启动另一个窗口运行指定的程序或命令。 START ["title"] [/D path] [/I] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/SEPARATE | /SHARED] [/LOW | /NORMAL | /HIGH | /REALTIME | /ABOVENORMAL | /BELOWNORMAL] [/AFFINITY <hex affinity>] [/WAIT] [/B] [command/...
read_restart是读前两者的文件,开始新的计算 需要注意的是,并不是所有的模拟信息都保存在restart.equil...
1 atom types 1.7643589196984124e+00 6.8364067338083956e+01 xlo xhi 0.0000000000000000e+00 2....
If a “%” character appears in the restart filename, LIGGGHTS(R)-PUBLIC expects a set of multiple files to exist. Therestartandwrite_restartcommands explain how such sets are created. Read_restart will first read a filename where “%” is replaced by “base”. This file tells LIGGGHTS(...
#define LMP_READ_RESTART_H #include <stdio.h> #include "pointers.h" namespace LAMMPS_NS { class ReadRestart : protected Pointers { public: ReadRestart(class LAMMPS *); void command(int, char **); private: int me,nprocs,nprocs_file,multiproc_file; FILE *fp; int multiproc; // 0 =...
I am doing multi sphere simulation. it takes a lot of time. Due to some reason like computer shut down my simulation stops. I want to restart the simulation from the same point where I left the simulation. I have read the two commands write_restart and read_restart (https://www.cfdem...
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.IO.Log.LogRecord> ReadRestartAreas (); 返回 IEnumerable<LogRecord> 序列中重新开始区域的可枚举集合。 例外 ArgumentException 一个或多个自变量无效。 IOException 读取记录时,发生了 I/O 错误。 ObjectDisposedException 该方法是在序列已释放之后调用的。
The ClfsReadRestartArea routine reads the restart record that was most recently written to a specified CLFS stream.SyntaxC++ Kopírovať CLFSUSER_API NTSTATUS ClfsReadRestartArea( [in, out] PVOID pvMarshalContext, [out] PVOID *ppvRestartBuffer, [out] PULONG pcbRestartBuffer, [out] PCLFS_...
返回最后一个重新启动区域,该区域已成功写入与 WriteLogRestartArea 的封送处理区域关联的日志。 函数还返回读取上下文,该上下文允许调用方通过重启记录中的日志向后或向前游标。当通过调用 ReadPreviousLogRestartArea 扫描当前重启之前的区域时,此读取上下文非常有用。语法...