read_calib_data— Restore a calibration data model from a file. The operatorread_calib_datarestores a calibration data model from a file specified by itsFileNameand returns a handle to the restored model inCalibDataID. The model file must have been created bywrite_calib_data. ...
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ##CalibAnything This is a project for LiDAR to camera calibration using Segment Anything. It needs an image, a frame of point cloud and an initial value of the ...
add readme OpenCalib/LiDAR2INSPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork26 Star149 Code Issues7 Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Commit Browse filesBrowse the repository at this point in the history...
<arg name="base_handeye_data" default="$(find handeye-calib)/config/base_hand_on_eye_test_data.csv" /> <node pkg="handeye-calib" type="" name="base_hand_on_eye_calib" output="screen" > </node> </launch> 运行程序 source devel/setup.bash roslaunch h... 备注 本仓库基于 开发。 需要修改config目录下的相机内参。 如果需要微调,可以修改cfg/Locator.cfg文件中的外参初值与上下限。 相机-激光雷达外参标定的空格键图像暂停功能有BUG,可以避免使用。 相...
cd ~./auto_calib/ ./bin/run_lidar2imu data/top_center_lidar/ data/NovAtel-pose-lidar-time.txt data/gnss-to-top_center_lidar-extrinsic.json Note: Because the data is relatively large, only part of the data is uploaded, the complete data can be downloaded from the link below. Link (...
$ git clone --depth=1 $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt # (Optional) To use the data collection UI, additional installation is required:Binary file modified BIN +180 Bytes (100%) docs/_assets/segmentation.png ... ### 备注 - 本仓库基于 开发。 @@ -12,11 +14,9 @@ ### 相机-激光雷达外参标定 在launch文件中修改订阅的topic与点云显示距离。注意,需要根据图片topic是否为compressed类型修改lidar_cam...
python -m geocalib.interactive_demo --camera_id 0 The demo will open a window showing the camera feed and the calibration results. If --camera_id is not provided, the demo will ask for the IP address of a droidcam camera. Controls: Toggle the different features using the following keys...
Breadcrumbs handeye_calib_camodocal / README.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 326 lines (227 loc) · 17.1 KB Raw ROS + CamOdoCal Hand Eye Calibration This is a ROS node integrating the Hand Eye Calibration implemented in CamOdoCal. See this stack exchange question explaini...