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I'm trying to run live_slam with a calibration file I made using camera_calibration. The camera I'm using is being used through a usb_cam_node and is called /usb_cam/ under 'rostopic list' Everything seems fine, If I don't use a calibrat...
. Use a calibrated pH meter (see SOP for pH calibration) to assist in determining th 使用酚酞显示3下落滴定剩余碱以0.5 N HCl。 当地人和修改过的胶的最初的颜色是轻微地黄色的。 当地淀粉的最初的颜色是多云白色的,并且修改过的淀粉确切。 . 使用一个被校准的PH计 (为酸碱度定标看见SOP) 协助确定...
I've seen it where the write is still pending and cannot complete since the memory is not available (failed calibration) so the reads get held up. Also note that readdatavalid only occurs when you are reading bursts (I think), and if it's just one read then the waitrequest indic...
0 = Stuck failed to power up. 1 = Stuck during read calibration trying to seek for the lowest invalid tuning position. 2 = Stuck during read calibration trying to seek to the lowest valid tuning position. 3 = Stuck during read calibration trying to seek to the highest invalid tuning positi...
/* re-flash DCO calibration data */ *pcFlash_ptrA++ = aucCAL_DATA[iDummy]; } /* Clear WRT bit */ FCTL1 = FWKEY; /* Set LOCK & LOCKA bit */ FCTL3 = FWKEY + LOCKA + LOCK; } void sidehndle_set_dco(unsigned int uiDelta)...
if (boundary_mapper.ComputeSTBoundary(path_decision).code() == ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR) { const std::string msg = "Mapping obstacle failed."; AERROR << msg; return Status(ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR, msg); }根据道路限速,障碍物nudge限速,产生限速曲线 ...
perror("USB interrupt read"); bad("USB read failed"); }if(debug) {for(i=0;i<reqIntLen; i++)printf("%02x ",answer[i] &0xFF);printf("\n"); } temperature = (answer[3] &0xFF) + ((signedchar)answer[2] <<8); temperature += calibration; ...
Error: failed during ddr calibration But i am inclined to think that the generated INC file is correct because when using its data for JTAG debugging, i can finally see that some chunks that are downloaded into DDR the result of the verification is OK. So, it seems that it is simply...
This is due to an error in the RTL code for 2:1 operation. The work-around is detailed below. The debug signals do not include error flags for PRBS Read Leveling. To determine if calibration failed during PRBS read leveling, check that dbg_rdlvl_done[0]=1 and init_calib_complete=0....