In years past, my customary mode for reading through the Bible every year involved starting in Genesis and reading right through to Revelation. I estimated that about four chapters per day would get me through in under a year’s time. The method worked reasonably well, but it wasn’t withou...
Start plan Experiencing Jesus Together Through Lent 40 Days• Start plan Walking With God 5 Days• Start plan Rahab: How God Uses the Unlikely 5 Days• Start plan Every Step an Arrival 5 Days• Start plan Certainty In Times Of Uncertainty ...
The Busy-Life Bible Reading Plan If your life is busy, this plan will help you get through the Bible at a pace that works for you. You’ll read a short selection each day and complete the Bible in two years. This plan takes 720 days to complete. ...
The Daily Message Paperback: Through the Bible in One Year Let God's Word change your life Studying God's word can be a difficult discipline to develop. The demands of work and family often squeeze out the time we set aside to read the Bible. But if we listen, we can hear God's st...
Now that you have a good Bible and you’re ready to dig in, you may be wondering how to start reading the Bible. Let me give you a helpful tip… When you’re learning how to read the Bible for the first time:DO NOT start at the beginning and attempt to read straight through.This...
New then Old:A exclusive! Read through the New Testament first, then read through the Old Testament. Old and New:Each day includes a passage from both the Old Testament and New Testament. Step #1: Choose Your Favorite Version and Reading Plan Below ...
27The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death. Today's Bible Reading Matthew 11:1-19; Leviticus 11-12; Proverbs 24 Read 3 passages each day, starting with Genesis, Psalms, and Luke. From the original Bible Study Tools 365 day reading plan....
Year in the Bible began in March of 2012 with the goal of having our local church read the entire Bible in one year. It has continued to encourage readingthroughoutthe year, even if not in a whole Bible/whole year plan. I wanted to foster community around the Word so having people rea...
1) Increase the visibility and accessibility of the Scriptures online. 2) Provide free access to Bible study tools in many languages. 3) Promote the Gospel of Christ through the learning, study and application of God's word. This site is a great way to link any verse on your site to an...
1) Increase the visibility and accessibility of the Scriptures online. 2) Provide free access to Bible study tools in many languages. 3) Promote the Gospel of Christ through the learning, study and application of God's word. This site is a great way to link any verse on your site to an...