In years past, my customary mode for reading the Bible through every year involved starting in Genesis and reading right through to Revelation. I estimated that about four chapters per day would get me through in under a year’s time. The method worked reasonably well, but it wasn’t withou...
Read through the Bible in a year using 20+ Bible reading plans including chronological, book order, as well as shorter plans. Sign up by email for daily Scripture reminders and schedule.
Read God’s Word at anytime, anywhere using the YouVersion Bible App. Share Scripture with friends, highlight passages, and create a daily habit with Bible Plans.
Let me give you a helpful tip… When you’re learning how to read the Bible for the first time:DO NOT start at the beginning and attempt to read straight through.This is a common beginner “mistake.” The Bible isn’t like a novel where you just open up to page 1 and start readin...
5 Tips on How to Read the Bible December 30, 2022ByAdmin5 Comments Good Tidings of Great Joy For All the World December 20, 2022ByAdminLeave a Comment On an average, normal night many years ago God broke through the silence in a meadow where a group of shepherds stood watch over their...
Today's Bible Reading Numbers 26-27 Journey through the entire Bible in one year with our custom reading plans in over 50 translations. Choose a plan to read the Bible chronologically, historically, and more! Create a Reading Plan Today ...
Verse of the Day Romans 8:6 The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. Send me Verse of the Day Today's Bible Reading Numbers 14-15 Journey through the entire Bible in one year with our custom reading plans in over 50 translations. Cho...
365-Day Bible reading plans in over 50 translations Reading the Bible daily not only helps you grow in your faith and walk with Jesus Christ, but will be an amazing source of encouragement throughout your day. You can read the Bible in one year with one of our Bible reading plans in ov...
Bible on your screen, pastor in your headphones. Walk through all 1189 chapters in about 8 minutes each. Powerful Bible Habit TTW is the cure for broken Bible habits and lost-in-Leviticus syndrome. Easy to start, easy to keep, easy to share. ... I could tell you a lot about how Don Whitney has helped my prayer life. I would call it a spiritual breakthrough. Many others have had the same experience. “This little book is explosive and powerful. Read it...