More Oracle Errors Interview Questions ORA-39040: Schema expression "string" must identify exactly one schema. 1 Answers ORA-06622: LU6.2 Driver: Unable to attach to SNA 1 Answers ORA-12538: TNS:no such protocol adapter 1 Answers ORA-26029: index string.string partition string initially in unu...
If thebehaviorparameter ofExecuteReaderAsyncis set toDefault,ReadAsyncreads the entire row before returning the Task. For more information, including code samples, about asynchronous programming in the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server, seeAsynchronous Programming. ...
延迟出现在执行 SqlDataReader 的 ReadAsync 方法时,在一行一行读取数据时,读取某些行时会出现 2-3s 的延迟。 前两天通过在 corefx 中 System.Data.SqlClient 源码中打点Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now}")(打点方法见之前的博文),定位到了延迟出现在SqlDataReader.cs的 ContinueRetryable 方法下面的代码处。
Oracle Database - Standard Edition - Version to [Release 11.2]: ORA-27070: skgfdisp: async read/write failed with O/S error OSD-04016
GetDbDataReader GetDecimal GetDouble GetEnumerator GetFieldType GetFieldValue GetFieldValueAsync GetFloat GetGuid GetInt16 GetInt32 GetInt64 GetName GetOrdinal GetProviderSpecificFieldType GetProviderSpecificValue GetProviderSpecificValues GetSchemaTable
ApplicationDataContainerSettings ApplicationDataCreateDisposition ApplicationDataLocality ApplicationDataSetVersionHandler CachedFileManager CreationCollisionOption DownloadsFolder FileAccessMode FileAttributes FileIO FileIO 方法 AppendLinesAsync AppendTextAsync ReadBufferAsync ReadLinesAsync ReadTextAsync WriteBufferAsync Wr...
ReadAsync 方法 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: System.Data.Common 組件: System.Data.Common.dll 以非同步方式將讀取器向前移到結果集中的下一筆記錄。 多載 展開表格 ReadAsync() 以非同步方式將讀取器向前移到結果集中的下一筆記錄。 ReadAsync(CancellationToken) 以非同步方式將讀取器向前移到結果集中...
GetDbDataReader GetDecimal GetDouble GetEnumerator GetFieldType GetFieldValue GetFieldValueAsync GetFloat GetGuid GetInt16 GetInt32 GetInt64 GetName GetOrdinal GetProviderSpecificFieldType GetProviderSpecificValue GetProviderSpecificValues GetSchemaTable
Android Studio 离线安装Gradle,出现Failed to open zip file问题的解决方法 一、最近从github上下载的项目总是遇到这样的编译问题: Error:Failed to open zip file. Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.) Re-download dependencies and sync proj...