And in that case, you can read into an array where you can use the file or a line of multiple strings to add values to an array. So let's have a look at how you can read into an array in bash. How to read into an array in bash To read into an array, you use the read co...
/bin/bash# 设置IFS为逗号IFS=,read-p"请输入您的兴趣爱好(使用逗号分隔):"hobbies# 将输入分割为数组IFS=,read-ra hobby_array <<<"$hobbies"echo"您输入的兴趣爱好分别是:"forhobbyin"${hobby_array[@]}";doecho"-$hobby"done 在这个例子中,我们使用IFS将用户输入的兴趣爱好(以逗号分隔)分割为数组,并...
/bin/bashecho "请输入多个文件路径,用冒号分隔:"IFS=:read -d: -a pathsfor path in ${paths[*]}do echo "文件路径:$path"done```在这个例子中,用户可以输入多个文件路径,用冒号分隔,脚本会将输入的多个文件路径保存到数组paths中,并逐个输出文件路径。3. 使用默认输入文本```bash#!/bin/bashread -p...
read -a array echo"get ${#array[@]} values in array" -d: 表示delimiter,即定界符,一般情况下是以IFS为参数的间隔,但是通过-d,我们可以定义一直读到出现执行的字符位置。例如read –d madfds value,读到有m的字符的时候就不在继续向后读,例如输入为 hello m,有效值为“hello”,请注意m前面的空格等会...
read -a arrayname 把单词清单读入arrayname的数组里。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 read -p "text" 打印提示(text),等待输入,并将输入存储在REPLY中。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 read -r line 允许输入包含反斜杠。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行...
read -a array echo "get ${#array[@]} values in array" -d :表示delimiter,即定界符,一般情况下是以IFS为参数的间隔,但是通过-d,我们可以定义一直读到出现执行的字符位置。例如read –d madfds value,读到有m的字符的时候就不在继续向后读,例如输入为 hello m,有效值为“hello”,请注意m前面的空格等...
You can use readarray bash builtin and specify the delimiter within the same command: readarray -d 'char delimiter' array <<< $variable For example: readarray -d '@' array <<< ${a//Entering /@} Finally when you print each result you might want to remove ...
### 3. 读取特定数目的字符```bashread -n 4 numberecho "The number is ${number}!"```这个例子会从标准输入读取前4个字符,并保存到变量number中,然后使用echo命令输出。### 4. 使用定界符分割输入```bashIFS=:read -a arrayecho "The first element is ${array[0]}!"```这个例子会根据冒号(:)...
For example, if we have an array with five elements, the index of the last element would be 4: $ my_array=(one two three four five) $ last_element=${my_array[4]} $ echo "The 5th element is: "${last_element}"" The 5th element is: five Copy In this Bash code, we initialized...