$echo${array[i]}说明:数组是从序号0开始计算(即第1项为array[0])。 (02) 显示数组中的所有元素 $echo${array[@]}或者 $echo ${array[*]} (03) 显示数组长度 $echo${#array[@]}或者 $echo ${#array[*]} (04) 删除数组第2项元素 $unset array[1]说明: unset仅仅只清除array[1]的值,并没...
5.1.利用if ...then 5.2.利用case...in...esac判断 5.3.利用function功能 6.循环loop 6.1 while do done, until do done (不定循环) 6.2 for...in...do...done (固定循环) 6.5 for...do...done 的数值处理 7.shell script的追踪与debug 四、补充 1.打印进度条 2.文件描述符(参考第一章18小节...
[root@localhost ~]# vim array_for2.sh [root@localhost ~]# cat array_for2.sh #!/bin/bash declare -a color_array=(red yellow skyblue gray black white) for i in ${!color_array[@]}; do echo $i - ${color_array[$i]} done 以下是输出信息: [root@localhost ~]# sh array_for2.s...
array[${#array[*]}] 删除数组 unset array[index] 关联数组 declare -A array array=([index_name1]='val1' [index_name2]='val2' ...)
MyArray=(9 8 20 10 15)echo"The original array is:"echo${MyArray[*]}# We implemented the bubble sort here.for((i=0;i<5;i++))dofor((j=0;j<5-i-1;j++))doif[${MyArray[j]}-gt ${MyArray[$((j+1))]}]then# swaptemp=${MyArray[j]}MyArray[$j]=${MyArray[$((j+1)...
Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Files master .github release utils .editorconfig .remarkrc LICENSE README.md format.bash install.bash mangadl.bash merge.bash tools.bash Latest commit Akianonymus Fix manganato | A alias to manganelo |Fix#7 ...
For example, if I want to print the 5th element of the array, then, I will be using the following: echo "Enter whitespace-separated values:" read -a array echo "The 5th element in an array is: ${array[5]}" 2. Read into an array using a file (using a loop) If you have hundr...
“e” that has been getting the total size of this array “Arr2” using the “@” operator within its index. The “for” loop has been utilized to iterate the array and display each of its string values at the Bash shell using the “echo” statement and index “I”. Let’s save ...
array_name[N]=new_value But remember to use the correct index number.If you use it on an existing index, the new value will replace the element. If you use an 'out of bound' index, it will still be added after the last element. For example, if the array length is six and you ...
You can use the following 5 methods to print an array in Bash: To print the entire array: ${your_array[@ or *]} To print the array index, value, and type: declare -p <your_array> To print the array iteratively: for item in ${your_array[@]} do echo $item done To print the...