Primer set 2 consisted of three gap primer pairs to detect intergenic large deletions or duplications (Fig. 1B). The flowchart of molecular diagnosis is shown in Fig. 1C. High-quality DNA fragments were generated through long-range PCR for subsequent library construction and sequencing, from ...
In this study, we conducted whole-genome sequencing (WGS) at 55-65X coverage utilizing the PacBio long-read sequencing platform in SiHa and HeLa cells, followed by comprehensive analyses of the sequence data to elucidate the complexity of HPV integration. Firstly, our results demonstrated that Pac...
sequencing primers were conditioned and annealed to the SMRTbell library, followed by dilution and binding of the sequencing polymerase. The polymerase bound complex was purified using AMPure PB beads, and concentration was measured via Qubit. An internal...
To understand the impact of TEs on RNA processing and the prevalence of chimeric TE-G transcript formation in theArabidopsistranscriptome, we exploited ONT-DRS, which allows for native long-transcript sequencing46. DRS with wild-type Columbia (Col-0) seedlings (Supplementary Data1) could capture l...
it can be challenging to reliably amplify regions larger than 10 or 20 kbp requiring tedious optimization and primer redesign. As a proof of the efficacy of this approach, Loomis et al.showed that SMRT sequencing of long PCR products ofFMR1from patients with Fragile X syndrome allowed characteriz...
Primers in the sanger sequencing Full size image Patient 2 The second case involves a 6-year-old boy who was admitted to our hospital with an abnormal gait. A confirmed family history revealed that similar conditions had afflicted his maternal uncle and cousin, both of whom exhibited comparable...
Deregulated gene expression is a hallmark of cancer; however, most studies to date have analyzed short-read RNA sequencing data with inherent limitations. Here, we combine PacBio long-read isoform sequencing (Iso-Seq) and Illumina paired-end short-read R
PTR: "Primer Trimmed Reads" - A sophisticated multi-step process that includes the excision of primer sequences, filtering by read length, and quality filtering using Cutadapt to ensure high-quality, reliable sequencing reads. SRGS: "Scaffold Reference Genome Synthesis" - Clusters reads based on ...
Amplicon sequencing of CACNA1C. UCSC genome browser screenshot of CACNA1C isoforms annotated in GENCODE V27. All transcripts in "Basic" annotated set shown. Black arrow shows direction of transcription. TSS transcription start site. Position of forward and reverse long-range PCR primers in first...
elegans were used as a template, including our own N2 strain (N2_1), another N2 strain that has been independently cultivated for at least 20 years from our N2 strain obtained from a local lab (N2_2) and a Hawaii isolate of CB4856. Library preparation, sequencing and read pre-assembly...