A React component that adds pan and zoom features to SVG. Latest version: 3.13.1, last published: 6 months ago. Start using react-svg-pan-zoom in your project by running `npm i react-svg-pan-zoom`. There are 61 other projects in the npm registry using re
在上面的代码中,我已经展示了如何在初始化svg-pan-zoom实例时配置参数和添加事件处理程序。你可以根据需要调整这些配置和事件处理程序。 5. 在React组件中使用svg-pan-zoom实例来控制SVG的缩放和平移 svg-pan-zoom实例提供了许多方法来控制SVG的缩放和平移,例如zoomIn(), zoomOut(), pan(), resetZoomAndPan()等...
toolrequiredone ofnone,pan,zoom-in,zoom-out,autoLock the viewer to a specific tool(if you want to omit this use<UncontrolledReactSVGPanZoom>component) onChangeToolrequiredfn(tool: string)Callback called when the viewer changes the used tool(if you want to omit this use<Uncont...
Pan-zoom for react-native-svg via 'Google Maps'-style pinch and drag gestures. Latest version: 0.5.0, last published: 2 months ago. Start using @xiniria/react-native-simple-svg-pan-zoom in your project by running `npm i @xiniria/react-native-simple-svg-p
With the toolautothe user can interact with SVG child elements, performpan(dragging the image),zoom in(double click),zoom out(double click + shift). Documentation Install NPM npm install --save react-svg-pan-zoom YARN yarn add react-svg-pan-zoom ...
react-svg-pan-zoom, 将平移和缩放特性添加到SVG的响应组件 react-svg-pan-zoom英镑react-svg-pan-zoom是一个反应组件,增加英镑pan和英镑的缩放特性,以英镑的SVG图像。 它有助于在小空间中显示大的SVG图像。 实时演示可以在 http:/ 开源2019-10-09 上传大小:2.00MB ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于react svg pan zoom的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及react svg pan zoom问答内容。更多react svg pan zoom相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
With the toolautothe user can interact with SVG child elements, performpan(dragging the image),zoom in(double click),zoom out(double click + shift). NPM npm install --save react-svg-pan-zoom YARN yarn add react-svg-pan-zoom UMD
Bug reports: After upgrading to 3.8.1. the warning "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation." started appearing on mouse events in mobile over the react-svg-pan-zoom using Chrome. Similar issues (with fixes) can...
Basic ZoomableSvg Example importReact,{Component}from'react';import{View,StyleSheet,Dimensions,Animated}from'react-native';import{Svg}from'expo';importZoomableSvgfrom'zoomable-svg';const{G,Circle,Path,Rect}=Svg;const{width,height}=Dimensions.get('window');constAnimatedRect=Animated.createAnimatedComp...