zoomEnabled:true, title:{ text:"Try Zooming and Panning" }, data:[{ type:"area", dataPoints:this.generateDataPoints(500) }] } return( <div> <CanvasJSChartoptions={options} /* onRef={ref => this.chart = ref} */ /> {/*You can get reference to the chart instance as shown above ...
react-player react-youtube react-soundplayer react-video react-music react-dailymotion Map react-gmaps google-map-react react-googlemaps react-leaflet react-geosuggest react-map-gl 时间处理 react-time react-timeago 图片处理 react-image-gallery react-images react-photo-gallery react-svg-pan-zoom 图片...
React bindings for theforce-graphsuiteof components:force-graph(2D HTML Canvas),3d-force-graph(ThreeJS/WebGL),3d-force-graph-vr(A-Frame) and3d-force-graph-ar(AR.js). This module exports 4 stand-alone React component packages with identical interfaces:react-force-graph-2d,react-force-graph-...
camera.lookAt(scene.position) // 创建一个 WebGL 渲染器,Three.js 还提供 <canvas>, <svg>, CSS3D 渲染器。 var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer() // 设置渲染器的清除颜色(即背景色)和尺寸。 // 若想用 body 作为背景,则可以不设置 clearColor,然后在创建渲染器时设置 alpha:true,即 new THRE...
可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,需要在React组件中引入相关的依赖库。可以使用`react-zoom-pan-pinch`库来实现图像的缩放功能。可以通过以下命令安装该库: ``` npm ...
autoCenter 自动居中对齐 Boolean true (设为false,那么需要在panzoomOption中传入startX,startY) eyeIcon 睁眼图标 String - closeEyeIcon 闭眼图标 String - canvasWidth 画布宽 Number 1000 canvasHeight 画布高 Number 700 isShowReferLine 是否显示标线 Boolean true showRuler 是否显示尺规 Boolean true showShadow...
current?.zoom(Number(value)) ;(sketchruleRef.current as SketchRulerMethods).panzoomInstance.current?.zoom(value) } } } @@ -105,23 +102,25 @@ const DemoComponent = () => { const snapsChange = (e: { target: { value: string } }) => { const arr = e.target.value.split(',')...
enablePan={false} // 禁止平移 minDistance={5} // 最小距离 maxDistance={22} // 最大距离 minPolarAngle={Math.PI/16} // 最小俯仰角(从上方) maxPolarAngle={Math.PI/16} // 最大俯仰角(到水平 /> /> </Canvas> ); } 1. 2. ...
react-offcanvas react-tree-menu react-metismenu Sticky(粘性布局) react-sticky react-headroom react-listview-sticky-header react-sticky-state react-stickynode Tabs react-tabs react-simpletabs react-tabtab Loading/进度条 halogen react-ladda react-progress-button ...