constCONTAINER_HEIGHT =300constCroppedImage =({ image }) =>{const[crop, onCropChange] = React.useState({x:0,y:0})const[zoom, onZoomChange] = React.useState(1)return(<Cropperimage={image}crop={crop}zoom={zoom}onCropChange={onCropChange}onZoomChange={onZoomChange}onMediaLoaded={(mediaSi...
croppedImage是裁剪后的文件,你所需要做的就是从文件中获取图像的url,并将其传递给img src进行渲染。...
croppedAreaPixels.width、croppedAreaPixels.height:裁切框的宽高投射到图片上,对应图片真实像素的宽高 drawImage方法的参数及含义如下:drawImage(img, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) img:需要插入的img/video/canvas 元素。 dx/dy:canvas的开始绘制点位。 dw/dh:canvas的绘制区域大小。 sx/sy:image的...
videostring orArray<{ src: string; type?: string }>The video to be cropped.imageorvideois required. crop{ x: number, y: number }✓Position of the media.{ x: 0, y: 0 }will center the media under the cropper. zoomnumberZoom of the media betweenminZoomandmaxZoom. Defaults to 1....
<Cropper imageData={imageData} aspectRatio={16/10} handleCroppedImage={handleCroppedImage} /> Check below for required props and their explanation. Make sure to check the example project as well to get the right idea!Run exampleClone the project, enter example directory cd example and then ...
The cropped image is black on mobile Safari when the image is very large.( changed the title The cropped image is black on mobile Safari The cropped image is black on mobile Safari when the ...
videostring orArray<{ src: string; type?: string }>The video to be cropped.imageorvideois required. crop{ x: number, y: number }✓Position of the media.{ x: 0, y: 0 }will center the media under the cropper. zoomnumberZoom of the media betweenminZoomandmaxZoom. Defaults to 1....