npm i react-image-crop --save yarn add react-image-crop pnpm add react-image-crop This library works with all modern browsers. It does not work with IE. Usage Include the main js module: importReactCropfrom'react-image-crop' Include eitherdist/ReactCrop.cssorReactCrop.scss. ...
然后在需要使用的js文件,文件头定义typeArr,然后使用 importCustomAlertDialog from"../../utils/CustomAlertDialog";consttypeArr=["打开相机","打开相册"];<CustomAlertDialog entityList={typeArr}callback={(i)=>{//此处i是数组的下标,0也就是打开相机,1打开相册i===0?this.Camera():this.selectImage()}...
(1).将 node_modules/react-native-image-crop-picker/ios/ImageCropPickerSDK 文件夹拖放的xcode项目根目录下 (2).单info选项卡 在Deployment Info标签下,设置Deployment Target平台版本为:8.0 (3).选择Embedded Binaries单击 + 并添加 RSKImageCropper.framework 和 QBImagePicker.framework 使用 import ImagePickerfr...
@Gradient我的也报了同样的错误,仔细检查了代码,是因为执行了 react-native link react-native-image-crop-picker,这个命令,在xcode中自动生成了两个文件,然后报了您说的那个错,您的最后是如何解决的? react n...RN 扫码安装简书客户端 畅享全文阅读体验 ...
npm i react-image-crop --save yarn add react-image-crop pnpm add react-image-crop This library works with all modern browsers. It does not work with IE. Usage Include the main js module: importReactCropfrom'react-image-crop' Include eitherdist/ReactCrop.cssorReactCrop.scss. ...
Image Crop P5Wrapper is a React component that allows users to crop images using the p5.js library. Author Gobinath B Installation You can install the package via npm: npm install image-crop-p5wrapper#UsagePlease make sure that the prop image isinfile type!import React, { useState } from'...
react", "reactjs", "image", "crop", "react-component" ], "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { "@types/react": "^18.2.45", "@types/react-dom": "^18.2.18", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.16.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.16.0", "@vitejs/plugin-react...
const CONTAINER_HEIGHT = 300 const CroppedImage = ({ image }) => { const [crop, onCropChange] = React.useState({ x: 0, y: 0 }) const [zoom, onZoomChange] = React.useState(1) return ( <Cropper image={image} crop={crop} zoom={zoom} onCropChange={onCropChange} onZoomChange={...
114|`objectFit`[demo]( | 'contain', 'cover', 'horizontal-cover' or 'vertical-cover' | | Specifies how the image is shown in the cropper.`contain`: the image will be adjusted to be fully visible,`horizontal-cover`: the image wil...