Responsive React toolbar (navbar) with scrollable and pop-up modes for accommodating many commands. Better user experience for navigating through standard toolbar commands. Built-in features for aligning commands with different priorities, templating, orientation, and more. ...
我想使用 Tailwind CSS 在桌面和移动设备上制作一个响应式表格。然而,这个表组件是 React.js router dom 中 <Outlet /> 的子组件。 桌面视图 手机查看 // Layout.jsx return ( <div className="flex bg-gray-100 min-h-screen relative"> <SidebarAdmin isMobile={isMobile} mobileOpen={mobileOpen} ...
In the code below, I'm using Tanstack v8 table to display data. The issue I'm encountering is that the last column is getting hidden. Upon inspection, I noticed a 15 rem margin from Tailwind CSS. Is there a way to configure the width as auto from configuraion so it b...
Responsive image component for React Native Dharmoslap/react-native-responsive-image react-native-pdf-view 364 React Native PDF View cnjon/react-native-pdf-view react-native-image-header-scroll-view 574 ScrollView with an image in header which becomes a navbar bamlab/react-native-image-header-scr...
Soft UI Dashboard PRO Reactis built with over 300 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. All components can take variations in color, which you can easily modify using JSS files and classes....
Add New Play: Navbar by @Shivam-Katare in #305 Footer enhancements by @nirmalkc in #358 Change light logo by @6km in #381 fix: [Social Card] rename .card to .social-card-preview by @6km in #386 Add some padding to the footer by @6km in #387 added a new play along with so...
==+ Live Deployed Link : === [ commit 1 ] === created navbar with general navbar menu items === [ commit 2 ] === made navbar menu responsive, in small screen menu will be changed to hamburgur icon and on clicking ...
Sammensætbar:Det er ubesværet at sammensætte nye elementer med Chakra UI på grund af dets brugervenlige grænseflade og navigation. Du kan nemt finde hver enkelt funktion og lege med dem for at skabe dine designelementer uden besvær. ...
By leveraging Tailwind CSS with React OmniRoom, you can create dynamic, responsive, and beautifully styled navigation bars with minimal effort. Remember, the power of Tailwind CSS comes from its utility-first approach, which provides a set of low-level, composable classes that let you build any...
Rebassis a React-based UI component library that comes with a styled system. It’s scalable, systematic, and responsive, which businesses need. It was created by a front end developer Brent Jackson at Gatsby. This tool works with CSS-in-JavaScript libraries and doesn’t require you to write...