使用Tailwind CSS 的好处是,我们不必在 CSS 中手动编写任何样式,而是组合多个类(class)来创建我们想要的外观。 // src/App.js import React from "react"; import About from "./components/About"; import Contact from "./components/Contact"; import Navbar from "./components/Navbar"; import Projects f...
Developers can control the appearance and behaviors of a toolbar using a rich set of APIs. Built-in themes The React Toolbar component is shipped with several built-in themes: Material, Bootstrap, Fabric (Office 365), Tailwind CSS, and High Contrast. ...
15. Navbar 工具栏 由于选项默认可见,不宜过多,若选项过多,建议使用 Select 选择器。 render() { return ( <div> <Navbar> <NavbarGroup align={Alignment.LEFT}> <NavbarHeading>Athena</NavbarHeading> <NavbarDivider /> <Button minimal icon="home" text="Home" /> <Button minimal icon="documen...
├─ src/│ ├─ components/│ │├─ ui/│ ││├─ Button/│ ││├─ Input/│ ││├─...│││└─ index.tsx ││├─ shared/│ ││├─ Navbar/│ │└─ charts/│ ││├─ Bar/│ ├─ modules/│ │├─ HomePage/│ │├─ ProductAddPage/│ │├─ ProductPage/│ │...
src目录下创建views文件夹,views内创建Home,Contact,About,Navbar四个tsx文件,其中Navbar用来控制路由,其他三个页面用来展示 Home: import React, { Component } from "react"; export default class Home extends Component { render() { return ( <div className="home"> <div className="container"> <h3 cla...
React Material Tailwind- NavBar Component ✅ Coding theHERO Component Copy the code below into the `Hero.js` file. import{Button,Typography}from"@material-tailwind/react";importReactfrom"react";importherofrom"../images/meetup.jpg";constHero=()=>{return(<div className='w-full lg:p-8 px-...
Keep in mind, still, that PrimeReact is less popular than some libraries and has a limited icon variety. It also lacks a built-in vertical navbar and can struggle with complex table layouts. However, for its extensive features, customisability, and free price tag, PrimeReact remains a stro...
Food1Img : Food2Img } }) return ( <div className="App"> <NavBar onBack={back} style={{ background: '#F0F0F0', fontWeight: 'bold' }}>点餐</NavBar> <div className='head-card'> <Swiper style={{ '--border-radius': '8px', }} autoplay defaultIndex={1} > {items} </Swiper...
1.TailwindCSS TailwindCSSis a utility-first CSS framework that was developed to produce attractive and up-to-date websites in a very short amount of time. The actions to take are specified by the names of the utility classes. Every utility class is pre-loaded with its own set of pre-def...
I usually prefer longer and more detailed file names as they are better. When it comes to React component export files, I utilize PascalCase, whereas for other files, I use dash-case. # PascalCase /components/NavBar.tsx /contexts/UserAuthContext.tsx ...