当你在命令行中遇到“react-scripts: command not found”的错误时,这通常意味着react-scripts没有被正确安装在你的系统中,或者其安装位置没有被加入到系统的环境变量PATH中。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤: 1. 确认是否已全局安装react-scripts 通常,react-scripts是作为项目依赖安装的,而不是全局安装的。你可以通过...
反应脚本:找不到命令 我目前正在尝试使用 create-react-app,它使用三个不同的包:react、react-scripts 和 react-dom。我已经安装了 create-react-app ,然后当我切换到目录并点击npm start我得到一个react-scripts: command not found。我遇到了很多问题。我可以看到react-scripts在我的node_modules文件夹中,但我在...
The solution to the above error is to open your terminal and run the command‘npm install react-scripts’to solve the ‘sh react-scripts command not found’ bug. Note that after you clone a fresh react application, you will not have thenode_modulesdirectory since it ignored in the.gitignor...
npm install react-scriptsCode language:JavaScript(javascript) Type this command and press enter, it should solve your react-script command not found error. But if this doesn’t work for you go to the below commands and perform as mentioned below. npm initCode language:JavaScript(javascript) This...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40546231/sh-react-scripts-command-not-found-after-running-npm-start react-scripts命令无法找到,简直莫名其妙。。。 网友建议是删掉modules重新npm 然而我重新npm后报错,因为node-sass4.5.3版本本来就有bug,需要开发者自己去下载某个文件。。。
linux报错:ls command not found 2019-12-20 09:00 −这是因为在改环境变量的时候没有配置正确的原因,需要在命令行写: export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin 此时再试一下ls,可以正常执行,但是下次连接的时候可能失效,所以要将这... ...
$ "react-scripts start" sh: react-scripts start: command not found error Command failed with exit code 127. info Visit http://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/start for documentation about this command. Expected behavior According to the prompt after creating a project, yarn star should work. We su...
/bin/bash echo "开始" echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` 正在杀进程..." ps -ef | ...
@greI understand the difficulty, but the very tool that the React Native documentation recommended (nvm) isactively hostile to automation. It installs node, npm, and the bin scripts in a way that is not on PATH nor has any sane, canonical way for a script to determine the correct location...
bash: create-react-app: command not found 1、错误描述 Administrator@SKY-20160824VTF MINGW64 /d/HBuilderProjects/cmn $ npm install create-react-app npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'D:\HBuilderProjects\ cmn\package.json'...