针对你遇到的“react-scripts: not found”问题,以下是一些可能的解决步骤和建议: 确认Node.js和npm已正确安装: 你可以在终端中运行以下命令来检查Node.js和npm是否已安装以及它们的版本: bash node -v npm -v 如果这些命令返回了版本号,说明Node.js和npm已经安装。如果未安装,你需要先下载并安装Node.js,npm...
React native error - react-native-xcode.sh: line 45: react-native: command not found Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 127 0 react-native command gives syntaxerror 0 react-native: command not found 4 How to resolve sh: react-scripts: command not found? 2 React Native Error - ...
This error “sh: react-scripts: command not found error command failed with exit code 127” mostly occurs when you clone a new repository of react.js application. When you try to run the application with the following commands you will surely encounters it because of no existing node-modules ...
Hey @johnnymo87, Thanks for such great repo, but I've faced the problem with react-script > hello-world@0.0.1 start /usr/src/app app_1 | > react-scripts start app_1 | app_1 | sh: 1: react-scripts: not found then I tried to docker-compose...
sh: react-scripts: command not found after running npm start Ask Question Asked 7 years, 8 months ago Modified 1 month ago Viewed 637k times 375 I cloned a react application onto my system and ran following commands npm install -g create-react-app npm install --save react r...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40546231/sh-react-scripts-command-not-found-after-running-npm-start react-scripts命令无法找到,简直莫名其妙。。。 网友建议是删掉modules重新npm 然而我重新npm后报错,因为node-sass4.5.3版本本来就有bug,需要开发者自己去下载某个文件。。。
Type this command and press enter, it should solve your react-script command not found error. But if this doesn’t work for you go to the below commands and perform as mentioned below. npm initCode language:JavaScript(javascript) This command will initialize the project and this led to the ...
Are there additional dependencies for the web app? I get the following react-scripts: command not found error. % npm run build > zasper@0.1.0 build > react-scripts build sh: react-scripts: command not found
Thisisprobably not a problem with npm.Thereislikely additional logging output above.npmERR!A complete log of this run can be foundin:npmERR!C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2019-07-31T06_44_37_975Z-debug.log
i was trying exactly the same thing, deploy a create-react-app project to heroku, and was getting react-scripts not found something... Heroku reads the scripts into package.json and cannot execute them. The key to overcome this issue is to 'create/publish' the 'scripts'...