在Formik的Field组件中使用react-phone-number-input,可以通过以下步骤实现: 首先,确保你已经安装了Formik和react-phone-number-input这两个库。可以使用npm或yarn进行安装。 在你的React组件文件中,导入所需的库: 代码语言:txt 复制 import { Field } from 'formik'; import PhoneInput from 'react-phone-number-...
import type { InputNumberProps } from 'antd/es/input-number' import { gt, toNumber } from '' import React, { FC, FocusEventHandler } from 'react' import type { EnumValues } from '@/utils/types' enum INPUT_TYPE { MIN, // 最小值 MAX, // 最大值 } type InputType = EnumValues<...
import { Form, Input, InputNumber, Button } from "antd"; const Demo = () => { const onFinish = (values) => { console.log(values); }; return ( <Form name="nest-messages" onFinish={onFinish}> <Form.Item name={["user", "name"]} ...
A React component for the phone number input field. Is"input"by default, meaning that it renders a standard DOM<input/>. Any custom input component implementation must useReact.forwardRef()to "forward"refto the underlying "core"<input/>component. ...
当这个input field获得焦点时,它会显示一个数字键盘。用户键入一些数字后,它会将数字格式化为文本字符串。例如,如果用户输入394,333.2930,它会将其呈现为$394,333.293。格式化字符串对我来说没有问题。问题是如何显示text输入字段的数字键盘。我知道它适用于number类型的输入,但它不允许用户输入,或货币符号</em ...
importCurrencyInputfrom'react-currency-input-field';<CurrencyInputid="input-example"name="input-name"placeholder="Please enter a number"defaultValue={1000}decimalsLimit={2}onValueChange={(value,name,values)=>console.log(value,name,values)}/>; ...
可编辑表格中的两个列分别是用react-hook-form 和antd的inputNumber实现的,需要在开始时间的列输入后失焦时,或者按enter键,鼠标聚焦到下一列,即结束时间,该如何设置 在React项目中,要实现在一个可编辑表格中,当开始时间列输入后失焦或按下Enter键时,自动将焦点切换至结束时间列,你可以结合使用react-hook-form的...
<TextField type="number" inputProps={{ min: 4, max: 10 }} /> Please note that the min/max attributes do not prevent the user from typing invalid values in the TextField. To restrict what the user can type, you can validate the value by adding onChange handler like below: const mi...
导语 今天在找到我 这边我们有一个bug需要处理一下 就是输入框里面不可以输入数字 只能输入文字 <Form.Itemlabel={item.label||''} {...formItemLayout}> {getFieldDecorator(`${item.paramsName}`, {getValueFromEvent:(event) =>{if(item.inputType==='number'|| item.inputType!==undefined) {return...
I want to have an Ant Design's InputNumber component. InputNumber has those beautiful up & down controls and is more numeric, so I want to use it. But the problem is that I don't have much control over it. For my specific use case I want...