Ant Design有一个InputNumber组件。您可以使用类似下面的内容
:(<inputname={name}className="input-text"ref={inputRef}style={{textAlign:inputAlign}}//输入框中文本对齐方式inputAligntype={inputType(type)}//输入类型maxLength={maxlength}//输入框最大字数限制placeholder={placeholder||locale.placeholder} //占位符disabled={disabled}//禁用readOnly={readonly}//只读...
Ant Design有一个InputNumber组件。您可以使用类似下面的内容
import'react-phone-number-input/style.css'importPhoneInputfrom'react-phone-number-input'functionExample(){// `value` will be the parsed phone number in E.164 format.// Example: "+12133734253".const[value,setValue]=useState()return(<PhoneInputplaceholder="Enter phone number"value={value}onChange...
precision 数值精度,配置 formatter 时会以 formatter 为准 number - - readOnly 只读 boolean false - status 设置校验状态 'error' | 'warning' - 4.19.0 prefix 带有前缀图标的 input ReactNode - 4.17.0 suffix 带有后缀图标的 input ReactNode - 5.20.0 size 输入框大小 large | middle | small - -...
示例:现在在App.js文件中写下以下代码。在这里,App 是我们编写代码的默认组件。 App.js import React, { useState } from 'react' import "antd/dist/antd.css"; import { InputNumber } from 'antd'; export default function App() { // Our state to hold current value of input const [currentValue...
InputNumber Enter a number within certain range with the mouse or keyboard. When To Use# When a numeric value needs to be provided. Examples 当前值:3 Basic usage Numeric-only input box. TS Sizes There are three sizes available to a numeric input box. By default, the size is32px. The ...
upHandlerReact.Nodecustom the up step element downHandlerReact.Nodecustom the down step element formatter(value: number|string): displayValue: stringSpecifies the format of the value presented parser(displayValue: string) => value: number`input => input.replace(/[^\w\.-]*/g, '')`Specifies... 你提供的是 value => value.replace('分钟', '') 当在input中触发change的时候,事件的value为 '100分',parser替换之后还是 '100分',然后经过 formatter 变为'100分分钟'。 The ...
Theinput-number-formatevent andonNumberFormatmethod are no longer available in newer versions, focusing work on only using React's own events and methods such asonChange, since theinput-number-formatevent andonNumberFormatmethod cannot be explicitly coordinated with React's events and methods, making ...