React Native isn’t just for mobile! Check out how the Windows 11 Settings app is leveraging React Native for Windows to deliver new features and capabilities to users faster and with the same great visual fidelity as Windows 11. react-nativereact-native-windowswindows Popular topics react-na...
然后输入命令 git clone 通过上述两种方法,最终看到我们下载下来的react native 2)安装react-native命令行工具 在命令行输入: npm install -g react-native-cli 3. 创建HelloWord项目 1)创建自己的项目路径,我们创建在 F:\ProjectWorkspace\ReactNative 2)CMD命令行到...
今天领导下达任务,要我和YY俩人在项目闲置这段时间学学 React Native。领导一声吼,小猿满地走。搞起! 去年听说React Native的时候还只能在 Mac 上开发,现在也可以在Windows上开发了! 首先搭建环境,按照React Native 中文文档上写的先下载Chocolatey,一个windows包管理软件,结果我怎么都下载不成功,算了,还是找其他前辈...
react-native的GitHub地址: react-native的文档地址: 1.准备工作: 打开文档点击‘Android Setup’,可以看到需要 (a)安装Git from Windows(傻瓜式安装) (b)Android SDK(配置ANDROID_HOME环境) (c)使用Gr...
The first step is to move the React Native component we have built before from a full UWP app to a custom control, that can be reused in other UWP applications. Open the solution created by the React Native for Windows CLI (you'll find it inside thewindowsfolder of your proj...
PS C:\path\to\reactnativeproject> npx react-native run-windows --logging i Verbose: ON Looking for VS installs with version range: [17.0,18.0) Looking for vswhere at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe ...
npx react-native init AwesomeProject 7、运行项目安装软件到安卓机 7.1、先 用数据线连接手机和电脑,运行scrcpy 软件 开发者选项配置修改,最终实现在电脑上可以投屏手机,并可以在电脑上操控手机 7.2、打开 android studio 编辑器,运行项目 代码语言:javascript ...
react-native run-android //运行,会看到手机显示内容有变化,表示环境ok 方式二:通过无线路由连接电脑 摇动手机 //会看到弹出的提示列表 选择Dev Setttings 选择Debug server host & port for device //设置IP地址如 (需和电脑网卡ip一致,且手机和电脑在同一局域网) ...
🎉 Building your first React Native app Follow theGetting Started guide. The recommended way to install React Native depends on your project. Here you can find short guides for the most common scenarios: 📖 Documentation The full documentation for React Native can be found on ourwebsite. ...
试试这个Expo Snack。你必须把你的代码放在这里,但我认为它会工作得很好。没有其他免费的windows IOS...