Building your first React Native app Documentation Upgrading How to Contribute Code of Conduct License React Native apps may target iOS 15.1 and Android 7.0 (API 24) or newer. You may use Windows, macOS, or Linux as your development operating system, though building and running iOS apps is li...
Building React Native for Windows Apps from a Mac Chiara Mooney Owning a Windows PC is not a requirement to build and ship Windows experiences. In this blog post, I'll walk through my investigation of how to develop React Native for Windows applications from a Mac. ...
a best-in-class JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Use a little—or a lot. You can use React Native today in your existing Android and iOS projects or you can create a whole new app from scratch.
Hello, let me do some investigations and I'll get back to you. The React Native core went through a few changes since I published this blog post, so this could have affected my sample as well. ReplyShare What's new Surface Pro 9 Surface Laptop 5 Surface Studio...
本人使用环境Win10. 在阅读本文之前,请了解我们安装React Native之前,要安装Python2.7、git、android环境、Visual Studio 2015、nodejs。 1.安装Python 1)下载地址 建议安装2.7.11版本,3.x以上版本不支持。
下载Git,记得把git.exe的路径写入系统环境变量,因为在执行react-native init命名时会调用git去下载react-native的源码。 安装Python并配置环境变量 要配置环境变量,否则报错 安装C++环境 推荐从itellyou下载并安装Visual Studio 2013或2015。也可选择Windows SDK...
1、初始化项目 react-native init projectName 2、dos进入项目文件夹之后 react-native start,启动服务 3、另外开启一个DOS窗口,启动应用:react-native run-android --- update by 2015/11/30 使用最新版本的react-native(0.15.0),因为之前本机已经成功运行过react-native,再次按照上面的几个命令操作的时候,发现...
React Compiler:简化了在 React Native 应用中启用 React Compiler 的过程,只需安装编译器并配置 Babel 插件即可。 更小更快的发布周期:React Native 将在 2025 年更频繁地发布稳定版本,减少破坏性变更,使开发者更容易更新版本。更频繁的发布意味着更快的 bug 修复和新功能的引入,提高框架的稳定性。
react-native-download-button 93 React Native: Native Download Button: with pretty cool animation prscX/react-native-download-button react-native-siri-wave-view 116 React Native: Native Siri Wave View prscX/react-native-siri-wave-view react-native-card-media 71 Card Media component for React Nati...
11. Teaset 超过1.35 stars 的Teaset 是一个UI库,用于 react native,包含20多个纯JS(ES6)组件,专注于内容显示和动作控制。文档很少(但很全),它的简单性和设计吸引了我的眼球。 Javascript 数据可视化库 1. D3js 超过80k 的 star的 D3.js 可能是最流行和最广泛的 Javascript 数据可视化库。D3 用于基于数据...