// App.tsximport{AssetRecord,useObjectDetectionModels,}from"@infinitered/react-native-mlkit-object-detection";constMODELS:AssetRecord={// the name you'll use to refer to the modelmyCustomModel:{// the relative path to the model fileasset:require("./assets/models/my-custom-model.tflite"),...
import haSDK from 'react-native-ha-interface'; 2.Insert tracing points in proper positions of the code. // Compile the haOnEvent function to call the onEvent API in the SDK. // eventObj is the parameter object contained in the custom event that you want to upload. The parameter can ...
从0.44版本开始,Navigator被从react native的核心组件库中剥离到了一个名为react-native-deprecated-custom-components的单独模块中。如果你需要继续使用Navigator,则需要先npm i facebookarchive/react-native-custom-components安装,然后从这个模块中import,即import { Navigator } from 'react-native-deprecated-custom-com...
//安装react-native-camera npm install react-native-camera@latest --save 2、安装完成之后,需要添加工程,进行编译配置。执行完了这些步骤后,就完成了第三方库的添加了。 (1)打开xcode,找到Libraries文件,添加安装的react-native-camera目录下的RNCamera.xcodeproj工程 (2)添加libRNCamera.a静态库 (3)找到并选中...
Customizable Icons for React Native with support for image source and full styling. - oblador/react-native-vector-icons
而是它 1) 为函数式的 UI 编程方式打开了大门;2) 可以渲染到 DOM 以外的backend,比如 ReactNative...
React Native IOS API 客户端API Huawei Analytics Overview HiAnalytics type Overview Constant Values 服务端API 公共说明 导出个人数据 查询导出任务状态 删除个人数据 查询删除任务状态 创建数据导出任务 回调数据导出任务状态 导入自定义用户属性 数据模型 错误码 情景感知服务 Archived...
$ react-native link react-native-lock-detection Manual installation In case the previous command doesn't do it's job, follow the next steps: iOS In XCode, in the project navigator, right clickLibraries➜Add Files to [your project's name] ...
This React Native component allows you to access theGenius Scan SDKcore features from a React Native application. The component relies on the ScanFlow module which provides a all-in-one scanner module with simple configurable input. Automatic document detection ...
The React Native SDK has a dependency on the Expo module. If you're not using Expo in your project, you will need toinstall the moduleseparately in order to use the SDK. Quick example This example shows a transformation URL being created using the@cloudinary/url-genpackage, and rendered us...