React Native Call Detection 🎉 🎊 This package helps to detect different call states likeIncoming,Disconnected,DialingandConnectedfor iOS. For android, this package will give following states,Offhook,Incoming,DisconnectedandMissed. In the case ofIncomingfor android, the package will also provide wit...
React Native Call Detection 🎉 🎊 This package helps to detect different call states like Incoming, Disconnected, Dialing and Connected for iOS. For android, this package will give following states, Offhook, Incoming, Disconnected and Missed. In the case of Incoming for android, the package ...
import { PhotoGallery, cameraRollEventEmitter } from '@react-native-camera-roll/camera-roll'; import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { AppState, EmitterSubscription } from 'react-native'; interface GalleryOptions { pageSize: number; mimeTypeFilter?: Array<string>; }...
import{Camera}from'react-native-vision-camera-v3-pose-detection';const[pose,setPose]=useState(null)console.log(pose)<Camera// optionaloptions={{mode:"stream",performanceMode:"max"}}style={StyleSheet.absoluteFill}device={device}callback={(data)=>setPose(data)}{...props}/> ...
Using React Native With TypeScript How To Build a News Reader App with React Native and NewsAPI How to Build a Real Time Logo Detection App with React Native Build a Chatbot with Dialogflow and React Native How To Build Your First VR App with ViroReact and React Native React Hooks Basics...
- 新款苹果系统MacOS15+,Xcode版本16+对ReactNative项目进行编译和上传到APPStore的踩坑记录 1、编译报错如下 项目名/ios/Pods/FlipperKit/iOS/FlipperKit/ Called object type 'facebook::flipper::SocketCertificateProvider' (aka 'int') is not a function or function pointer...
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React Native Location Overview FusedLocation ActivityIdentification Geofence 通用错误码 React Native错误码 地图服务 Archived Android SDK com.huawei.hms.maps CameraUpdate CameraUpdateFactory HuaweiMap 概览 CancelableCallback InfoWindowAdapter OnCameraIdleListener OnCameraMoveCanceledListener...
React Native Location Overview FusedLocation ActivityIdentification Geofence 通用错误码 React Native错误码 地图服务 Archived Android SDK com.huawei.hms.maps CameraUpdate CameraUpdateFactory HuaweiMap 概览 CancelableCallback InfoWindowAdapter OnCameraIdleListener OnCameraMoveCanceledListener...
- 新款苹果系统MacOS15+,Xcode版本16+对ReactNative项目进行编译和上传到APPStore的踩坑记录 1、编译报错如下 项目名/ios/Pods/FlipperKit/iOS/FlipperKit/ Called objecttype'facebook::flipper::SocketCertificateProvider'(aka'int') is not afunctionorfunctionpointer ...