react-native-gitosc:使用React Native重写的OSChina的Git@OSC客户端。 reading:iReading App。 toutiao:一款基于react-native 的ios android版 资讯头条 APP。 react-native-lagou:用react native写的仿拉勾ios版本demo。 RN-ListViewLoadMore:ReactNative基础项目,包含Navigator、TabBar、以及ListView的Refresh和LoadMore r...
#package.json里加"android": "react-native run-android", Project with path ':jpush-react-native' could not be found in project ':app'. yarn start-"start": "react-native start",运行yarn debug-android="cd android&&./gradlew assembleGuanfangDebug", 文件丢失node_modules/@shopify/react-native-...
... include ':react-native-smart-swipe-refresh-layout' project(':react-native-smart-swipe-refresh-layout').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-smart-pull-to-refresh-listview/android') In android/app/build.gradle ... dependencies { ... // From ... This will create a new app in the RNFBSDKExample directory, using the latest version of React Native. Next, it will patch the necessary files so you may run the example app.Occasionally react-native version changes mean that there is some incompatibility between what the ...
this.input.setNativeProps({ text: '' }); }); } 相关issue 见:issues/18272 KeyboardAvoidingView behavior相关 该组件在 Android 和 iOS 上的表现有区别,所以我们会区分平台使用不同的 behavior,比如下面这样: <KeyboardAvoidingView behavior={Platform.OS === 'android' ? null : 'padding'} ...
本项目是在原项目的基础上进行了fork,并集结了丰富多彩的 React Native 学习资料、工具、组件、开源App、资源下载以及相关新闻等。我们致力于提供精准而不求全面的内容。由于后续无法进行 Pull Requests ,因此我们在此基础上进一步扩充了资源,包括但不限于一同解决问题、音视频相机、图形动画等领域,使项目内容更为丰富...
Now we need to include inside the newly created user control the React Native for Windows initialization. As first thing, right click on the project, chooseand pick up from the list the project calledReactUWP. , you need to add a, which is part of the namespace you have...
如果项目集成了typescript,可能还需要做一些额外的操作,首先添加一个库:react-native-typescript-transformer。 yarn add --dev react-native-typescript-transformer 然后需要配置tsconfig.json { "compilerOptions":{ "target":"es2015", "jsx":"react", ...
You can learn more about our vision for React Native in the Roadmap. Good First Issues We have a list of good first issues that contain bugs which have a relatively limited scope. This is a great place to get started, gain experience, and get familiar with our contribution process. Discus...
- react-native 安卓状态栏 一直无法透明,占位不能沉浸式,网上方法都无效的情况下 检查三方库,react-native-keyboard-controller的 <KeyboardProvider statusBarTranslucent={true}> - ReactNative二维码扫描通用方案 react-native-camera 3+版本,坑少,安卓加上missingDimensionStrategy 'react-native-camera', 'general'...