npm install --save react-native-refresh-list-view 手动安装 下载源码,将RefreshListView.js拖入工程中 运行Demo 第一步 进入Example目录,执行: npm install 第二步 react-native run-ios Example constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { refreshState: RefreshState.Idle, } } render() { re...
如何解决react-native RefreshListView react-native-refresh-list-view渲染过多白屏的情况 只需要加入windowSize={300}这个属性即可 <RefreshListView windowSize={300} showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false} data={this.state.dataList} extraData={this.state} keyExtractor={this._keyExtractor} renderItem={this.render...
importRefreshListView,{RefreshState}from"react-native-refresh-list-view"; render部分 renderCell=item=>{return(<TouchableOpacity><QuotationCell cellData={item}/></TouchableOpacity>);};renderSeparator=()=>{return(<View style={{backgroundColor:"white"}}><View style={{height:0.6,backgroundColor:"#...
Here is an example of React Native Swipe Down to Refresh ListView Using Refresh Control. It was first introduced in Android Material Design and became very popular. Almost all Apps are using Swipe down to refresh. In React Native you can use this feature usingRefreshControlprovided by React Nati...
PullView & PullList component in React Native both for Android and iOS, pull to refresh, very useful & easily - greatbsky/react-native-pull
This is the PullView & PullList component in React Native both for Android and iOS, pull to refresh, very useful & easily & quickly! This is a JavaScript-only implementation of PullView & PullList in React Native. PullView can host multiple components and views like ScrollView, PullList ca...