然后输入命令 git clonehttps://github.com/facebook/react-native.git 通过上述两种方法,最终看到我们下载下来的react native 2)安装react-native命令行工具 在命令行输入: npm install -g react-native-cli 3. 创建HelloWord项目 1)创建自己的项目路径,我们创建在 F:\ProjectWorkspace\ReactNative 2)CMD命令行到...
https://git-for-windows.github.io/ 在安装过程中注意勾选"Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt", "Use Window's default console window"。 需要修改安装路径的就改下安装路径,剩下的一路下一步 5. 安装react native命令行工具react-native-cli 运行cmd, 输入npm install -g react-native-cli 6. 安...
This repository adds support for theWindows 10 SDK, which allows you to build apps forall devices supported by Windows 10including PCs, tablets, 2-in-1s, Xbox, Mixed reality devices etc. Visit the officialReact Native for Windows + macOS websiteto learn more. ...
React Native lets you have full access to native platforms, which makes it so much easier to develop for both Android and iOS. Not only can you make dynamic UI interaction simple for your apps, but you can also make changes and copies for other apps without much hassle. React Native relie...
npx react-native@X.XX.X init <projectName> --version X.XX.X Switch to the project directory and run the following command to install the React Native for Windows packages: PowerShell Copy cd projectName npx react-native-windows-init --overwrite To run the app, first launch your web...
下载Git,记得把git.exe的路径写入系统环境变量,因为在执行react-native init命名时会调用git去下载react-native的源码。 安装Python并配置环境变量 要配置环境变量,否则报错 安装C++环境 推荐从itellyou下载并安装Visual Studio 2013或2015。也可选择Windows SDK、cygwin或mingw等其他C++环境。编译node.js的C++模块时需要...
CLI to build and run React Native for Windows apps.. Latest version: 0.76.0, last published: 20 days ago. Start using @react-native-windows/cli in your project by running `npm i @react-native-windows/cli`. There is 1 other project in the npm registry usi
react-native run-android //运行,会看到手机显示内容有变化,表示环境ok 方式二:通过无线路由连接电脑 摇动手机 //会看到弹出的提示列表 选择Dev Setttings 选择Debug server host & port for device //设置IP地址如 (需和电脑网卡ip一致,且手机和电脑在同一局域网) ...
下载地址:https://www.python.org/downloads/windows python_01.jpg python_02.jpg python_03.jpg !注意:安装时,选择添加到环境变量 image.png 3.安装Yarn、React Native的命令行工具 Yarn是 Facebook 提供的替代 npm 的工具,可以加速 node 模块的下载。React Native 的命令行工具用于执行创建、初始化、更新项目...
React Native运行需要安装一些依赖环境,比如JDK、NodeJS、Android SDK等。这些环境的下载地址如下: 1、JDK 下载地址:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html 根据自己的操作系统选择相应版本jdk下载安装,我是windows 64位系统,安装之后配置环境变量JAVA_HOME、CLASSPATH...