react-image-editor-prois a React component designed for uploading, cropping, and editing images with a user-friendly interface. It leverages Ant Design for the modal interface and includes a modal for image cropping with various options. Features Crop and edit images in a modal. Preview cropped ...
react-img-editor 是一个图像编辑器 react 组件,支持对图片进行裁剪、涂鸦、文字编辑、马赛克处理等操作,同时支持自定义插件和灵活的样式配置。 查看demo ✨ 特性 支持自由画笔、矩形、圆形、箭头、文字、马赛克的绘制 支持橡皮擦、撤销操作、截图和图片下载 支持自定义插件和工具栏配置 支持矩形、圆形、箭头、文字等...
npm install react-img-editor-en -S 🔨 Import and use import ReactImgEditor from 'react-img-editor-en' import 'react-img-editor-en/assets/index.css' <ReactImgEditor src="" /> 🧰 API PropertyDescriptionTypeDefault Value src image url strin...
levi-li-yi/react-native-img-editormain 1 Branch0 Tags Code Folders and filesLatest commit levi-li-yi 版本升级,支持切换标注颜色 ee8fb26· Feb 29, 2024 History3 Commits .circleci 调试 Dec 5, 2023 android 版本升级,支持切换标注颜色 Feb 29, 2024...
EditorCellRowDragSortTable - 可以编辑Cell和拖拽行排序的表格模板 EditorCellRowDragSortTreeTreeDataTable - 可以编辑Cell和拖拽行排序的TreeData表格模板 EditorCellTable - 可以编辑表格Cell数据的Table模板 EditorCellTreeDataTable - 可以编辑Cell的TreeData表格模板 EditorRowDragSortTable - 可以拖拽行排序的表格...
React is the library for web and native user interfaces. Build user interfaces out of individual pieces called components written in JavaScript. React is designed to let you seamlessly combine components written by independent people, teams, and organiza
/** * Rich Text Editor - Expand Toolbar Sample */ import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor'; import * as React from 'react'; class App extends React.Component { toolbarSettings = { items: [...
Braft Editor 是基于draft-js开发的富文本编辑器,适用于 React 框架。 1. 安装 使用npm npminstallbraft-editor--save 使用yarn yarnaddbraft-editor 2. 基本使用 importReact, {Component}from'react'importBraftEditorfrom'braft-editor'import'braft-editor/dist/index.css'exportdefaultclassMainextendsComponent{ ...
* maxImgSize:上传图片大小最大限制(单位:M) * menus: 可显示的菜单项*/exportdefaultclass Editor extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props)this.containerRef =React.createRef();this.state ={ isUploading:false,//是否正在上传附件或图片} ...
Save and exit the text editor. Finally, delete the logo. In the terminal window type the following command: rmsrc/logo.svg Copy You won’t be using this SVG file in your application, and you should remove unused files as you work. It will better organize your code in the long run. ...