background-image: url("background.png");), the web browser will look for the named image in the web page folder, if the file is in a different folder on your file system, you must include the full path to that file.
I am trying to get the Solver Add-In to work. I activated it without a problem following the recommended steps, but once I try to use it, I get an error message saying the macro 'SOLVER.XLAM!GetGroupLabel' could not be run and that macros might be disabled in the document. I check...
I tried running the example user defined function (UDF) but it did not work. It used to work a while ago when I first installed the Script Lab add-in. The attached screenshots show the error message and the Windows event log in the Event Viewer app. Clicking "Rest...
So as is the react-leaflet Map Object, which doesn't have the function addLayer(); This function is only in the original leafletElement. so we use map.leafletElement.addLayer(); instead of map.addLayer(); Share Copy link ...
Invoking REST APIs as a logged-in user of your Apostrophe site If you're building a React app or similar that is part of a webpage delivered by your Apostrophe site, and the right user is already logged into the site, then the APIs will automatically "see" the user and run with the...
- return /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement("img", { + return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, _jsxruntime.jsx)("img", {, ...getDynamicProps(fetchPriority), // It's intended to keep `loading` before `src` because React updates ...
React Native IOS API 客户端API Huawei Analytics Overview HiAnalytics type Overview Constant Values 服务端API 公共说明 导出个人数据 查询导出任务状态 删除个人数据 查询删除任务状态 创建数据导出任务 回调数据导出任务状态 导入自定义用户属性 数据模型 错误码 情景感知服务 Archived...
exportdefaultclassListextendsPureComponent<Props, object> { privateflatListRef:React.RefObject<FlatList<any>>;constructor(props) {super(props);this.flatListRef=React.createRef<FlatList<any>>(); }render() {const{ data = [1,2,3,4,5] } =this.props;return(<Viewstyle={{paddingBotto...
In React 19, use accepts a promise or Context. If provided a promise, use will suspend until a value is resolved. use can only be used in render but can be called conditionally. ref as a prop: Refs can now be used as props, removing the need for forwardRef. Suspense sibling pre-...
import {AdvancedImage, lazyload, accessibility, responsive, placeholder} from '@cloudinary/react'; … <AdvancedImage cldImg={myImage} plugins={[lazyload(), responsive(), accessibility(), placeholder()]}/> Code language: HTML, XML (xml) Up for a challenge? Try modifying the app to use Advan...