Embraces native HTML formvalidation Out of the box integration withUI libraries Small sizeand nodependencies SupportYup,Zod,AJV,Superstruct,Joiandothers Install npm install react-hook-form Quickstart import{useForm}from'react-hook-form';functionApp(){const{register,handleSubmit,formState:{errors},}=...
React Hook Form Child Component A Child Component B Child Component C VS Controlled Form Child Component A Child Component B Child Component C 监听输入值变化 构建表单时,性能对用户体验是非常重要的一部分。您可以监听的独立的输入值变化而无须重渲染整个表单。
The following form demonstrates form validation in action. Each column represents what has been captured in the custom hook. You can also change fields in the form by clicking theEDITbutton. Example Select...MrMrsMissDr YesNo Submit or
React Hook Form 是一个没有任何依赖关系的小型库,它最大限度地减少了验证计算,减少了您需要编写的代码量,同时消除了不必要的重新渲染,并且可以在没有其他依赖项的情况下轻松采用。 要使用 react-hook-form,我们需要进口和称呼这 **使用表格** 钩。当我们这样做时,目的是设置将在链接到表单的所有字段之间共享的...
The following form demonstrates form validation in action. Each column represents what has been captured in the custom hook. You can also change fields in the form by clicking theEDITbutton. Example Select...MrMrsMissDr YesNo Submit or
Embraces native HTML form validation Out of the box integration with UI libraries Small size and no dependencies Support Yup, Zod, AJV, Superstruct, Joi and others Install npm install react-hook-form Quickstart import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form'; function App() { const { register,...
import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"; export default function App() { const { register, handleSubmit } = useForm({ shouldUseNativeValidation: true }); const onSubmit = async data => { console.log(data); }; return ( <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}> <input {...register...
This method allows you to register an input/select Ref and apply validation rules into React Hook Form. Validation rules are all based on HTML standard and also allow custom validation. Important: name is required and unique (can not start with a number or use number as key name). Input ...
官网地址:https://react-hook-form.com/ react-hook-form是专门为校验表单、提交表单设计的,使用起来比传统的onChange、setState要方便很多。 而且它进一步做了优化,减少了不必要的render image.png 安装 npm install react-hook-form 使用 import React from"react";import{useForm,SubmitHandler}from"react-hook-...
React Hook Form focus on delivering a great experience in terms of building forms with React. This tool will help debug your forms. Open-Source DevTools is an open-source project, so we can all improve the experience together. </> Installation Step 1: install @hookform/devtools as a dev ...