如果你还没有配置过,可以使用create-react-app快速搭建一个基础项目: npx create-react-app form-validation-examplecdform-validation-example npm start 然后将上面的RegistrationForm组件替换到src/App.js文件中的<App />组件内,并导入必要的模块。 五、总结 通过上述示例,我们展示了如何使用 React Hooks 来管理表...
importReactfrom'react';import{useForm}from'react-hook-form';exportdefaultfunctionApp(){const{register,handleSubmit,formState:{errors}}=useForm();constonSubmit=data=>console.log(data);console.log(errors);return(<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}><input type="text"placeholder="First name"{....
如果你还没有配置过,可以使用create-react-app快速搭建一个基础项目: npx create-react-app form-validation-examplecdform-validation-examplenpmstart 然后将上面的RegistrationForm组件替换到src/App.js文件中的<App />组件内,并导入必要的模块。 五、总结 通过上述示例,我们展示了如何使用 React Hooks 来管理表单的...
UseFormPropsuseForm: useForm is a custom hook for managing forms with ease. It takes one object as optional argument. The following example demonstrates all of its properties along with their default values. Generic props: mode Validation strategy before submitting behaviour. reValidateMode Validation...
React Hook Form Child Component A Child Component B Child Component C VS Controlled Form Child Component A Child Component B Child Component C 监听输入值变化 构建表单时,性能对用户体验是非常重要的一部分。您可以监听的独立的输入值变化而无须重渲染整个表单。
This method allows you to register an input/select Ref and apply validation rules into React Hook Form. Validation rules are all based on HTML standard and also allow custom validation. Important: name is required and unique (can not start with a number or use number as key name). Input ...
📋 React Hooks for forms validation (Web + React Native) - react-hook-form/examples at master · AlanGreene/react-hook-form
Embraces native form validation Out of the box integration with UI libraries Small size and no dependencies Follows HTML standard for validation Support Yup, Zod, Superstruct, Joi, Vest, class-validator, io-ts, nope or custom Install npm install react-hook-form Links Get started API Examples ...