countrySelectProps.arrowComponent— Custom "arrow" component of the default country<select/>. Renders an "arrow" "dropdown" icon. Doesn't receive any properties. All those customization properties have their default values which are, therefore, always included in the application bundle, regardless ...
Custom Editor with React Custom Element I added a newExample 26which have both Custom Editors & Filters which uses React Custom Elements. The 2nd column "Assignee" is the column that uses both (it's a simple select dropdown created as an React Custom Elementshere) and you need to create ...
{label: 'Monospace', style: 'CODE', className: 'button-format'}, ], // BLOCK_TYPE_DROPDOWN: [ // {label: 'Normal', style: 'unstyled'}, // {label: 'Heading Large', style: 'header-one'}, // {label: 'Heading Medium', style: 'header-two'}, // {label: 'Heading Small', ...
If disabled, there is no dropdown arrow, and the selected country is not clickable. Also, if showFlags is enabled we display the selected flag on the right instead because it is just a marker of state. Note that if separateDialCode is enabled, allowDropdown is forced to true as the ...
The default value forflagsImagePathis 'flags.png' Features Automatically format the number as the user types Navigate the country dropdown by typing a country's name, or using up/down keys Selecting a country from the dropdown will update the dial code in the input ...
Ok - I tried it with forceReload:false and received the same error. I'll keep fiddling with it, have a good vacation and let me know if you have any other ideas about what might be going on. Thanks! Alright this is interesting - I set forceReload:false and then after I terminated ...
angular-feature-flags angular-file-saver angular-file-upload angular-formly angular-fullscreen angular-gettext angular-google-analytics angular-gridster angular-growl-v2 angular-hotkeys angular-http-auth angular-httpi angular-idle angular-jwt angular-load angular-loading-bar angular...
Article Comment Country Currency Notification Profile Rating User Фичи (features) addCommentForm ArticleSortSelector ArticleViewSelector ArticleRating ArticleRecomendationsList AuthByUsername AvatarDropdown EditableProfileCard LangSwitcher NotificationButton profileRating ScrollRestoration ThemeSwitcherAbout...
overflow-scrolling: touch; .country { padding: 10px 10px; // increase line height because dropdown copy is v likely to overflow on mobile and when it does it needs to be well spaced line-height: 1.5em; } } } @import "sprite"; $intl-tel-input-sprite-path: ".....
Custom Editor with React Custom Element I added a newExample 26which have both Custom Editors & Filters which uses React Custom Elements. The 2nd column "Assignee" is the column that uses both (it's a simple select dropdown created as an React Custom Elementshere) and you need to create ...