A lightweight and easy-to-use React library that provides a comprehensive list of regions or continents, countries, states, cities languages, and country phone codes for creating dynamic and searchable dropdowns. Ideal for building forms and input fields
react-country-state-city A lightweight and easy-to-use React library that provides a comprehensive list of regions or continents, countries, states, cities languages, and country phone codes for creating dynamic and searchable dropdowns. Ideal for building forms and input fields react react-selec...
A country, state, city, and language dropdown for react (and now a phone input too!) - Workflow runs · replaysMike/react-country-state-dropdown
React Country -> Province/State -> City selector? Ask Question Asked 5 years, 11 months ago Modified 3 years, 6 months ago Viewed 27k times 9 I feel like this is pretty common that people want a selector that when you pick a country it narrows down province/states to that ...
Dependent Dropdown HTML This code is to display the country state city dependent dropdowns to the user. It includes PHP code to load the initial options for the country dropdown. The PHP code connects the database and retrieves the country result in an array format. ...
React-country-state-city allows you to create a Select dropdown for countries, states, cities with search options. davzon •1.0.10•2 years ago•0dependents•MITpublished version1.0.10,2 years ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT
A country, state, city, and language dropdown for react (and now a phone input too!) - Labels · replaysMike/react-country-state-dropdown
react-country-state-city A lightweight and easy-to-use React library that provides a comprehensive list of regions or continents, countries, states, cities languages, and country phone codes for creating dynamic and searchable dropdowns. Ideal for building forms and input fields ...