yarn add react-chatbot-kit yarn start 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 安装npm 包,访问 localhost:3000。 然后打开 App.js,修改如下: import Chatbot from 'react-chatbot-kit' function App() { return ( <Chatbot /> ); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 现在你的界面是这样的: 聊天...
react-chatbot-kit provides an easy way to get started building chatbots. Documentation View the documentation here:https://fredrikoseberg.github.io/react-chatbot-kit-docs/ Releases2 Dependency updatesLatest Dec 3, 2022 + 1 release Packages
Simple react chatbot component built on OPENAI's models. It relies on react-chatbot-kit for the chatbot UI and adds custom features such as open/close. react chatbot openai deepai react-chatbot-kit react chatbot mokshshah •1.0.5•a year ago•0dependents•MITpublished version1.0.5,a...
npx create-react-app chatbot-app cd chatbot-app npm start 2. 安装必要的依赖 你可能需要一些额外的库来帮助你构建聊天界面,比如react-chat-widget或react-chatbot-kit。这里我们使用react-chat-widget作为示例: 代码语言:javascript 复制 npm install react-chat-widget 3. 创建自定义聊天界面 在你的React组件中...
reactchatcomponentsircchatbotreact-componentscollaborationpubsubpubnubcomponent-librarypublish-subscribesupport-chatchat-applicationrealtime-messagingreact-chatchatkitpubnub-chattingpubnub-sdkreact-chat-appsupport-chatbots UpdatedDec 1, 2022 TypeScript
chatbot assistant openai chatgpt react vue angular solid svelte next component ovidijusparsiunas •2.1.1•2 months ago•7dependents•MITpublished version2.1.1,2 months ago7dependentslicensed under $MIT 49,852 @openbot/chat-js JS SDK for the Openbot Chat API ...
react-customizable-chat-bot-Demo- Build your own chatbot matching your brand needs in minutes. @restpace/schema-form-Demo- Easily build complex forms automatically from a JSON Schema. react-darkreader- A React Hook for adding a dark / night mode to your site inspired by darkreader. ...
ui-kit react-native-swipeout 2516 iOS-style swipeout buttons behind component dancormier/react-native-swipeout react-native-blur 2671 React Native Blur component Kureev/react-native-blur react-native react-native-blur react-native-component react-native-progress 2622 Progress indicators and spinners for...
gitclonehttps://github.com/awslabs/genai-bedrock-chatbot.git DevOps 工程師,AWS DevOps 設定Python 虛擬環境並安裝必要的相依性。 若要設定 Python 虛擬環境,請執行下列命令。 cdgenai-bedrock-chatbot python3 -m venv .venvsource.venv/bin/activate ...
Digital Transformation: Business Intelligence & Machine Learning - AI Development - Chatbot Development Cloud Enablement: Cloud Native Engineering - NodeJS Development - Python Development | Cloud Migration | Devops & Infrastructure | Microservice | Test Automation Mobile Applications: Mobile app development...