虽然React Simple Chatbot在许多现有项目中仍然表现稳定并被广泛采用,但考虑到其已不再维护,对于新项目或需要长期维护的项目来说,选择替代方案可能更为明智。react-chatbotify是一个值得推荐的替代方案,它提供了类似的功能和更强大的定制能力。 总结 React Simple Chatbot以其简洁的界面、易于集成的特点以及丰富的应用场...
This project was generated with Create React App with React version 18.2.0 and comprises of the web client interface for chatbot-server, which generates responses based on OpenAI assistant. Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/. Run npm run build to build the ...
This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app).. Latest version: 0.1.52, last published: 3 months ago. Start using react-chatbot-widget in your project by running `npm i react-chatbot-widget`. There ar
react-chatbot-deepai Simple react chatbot component built on OPENAI's models. It relies on react-chatbot-kit for the chatbot UI and adds custom features such as open/close. react chatbot openai deepai react-chatbot-kit react chatbot mokshshah ...
Welcome to React ChatBotify, an intuitive and versatile library that allows you to build responsive chatbots with ease. Whether you're aiming to create a simple FAQ bot or a sophisticated conversational interface integrated with Large Language Models (LLMs), React ChatBotify provides the tools and...
如何只用React建立一个聊天应用。 如何结合React和Node.js来创建更好的聊天AI软件。 本教程将以gpt-3.5-turbo模型为基础。 前提条件 本教程需要JavaScript、CSS、React和Node.js的基本知识。你还需要一个OpenAI平台的账户,chatGPT就在这个平台上。它是免费的,所以你可以在这里创建一个。
View Umer N. profile on Upwork, the world’s work marketplace. Umer is here to help: Full Stack MERN, MEAN | React | ML, Computer Vision, AI Chatbots. Check out the complete profile and discover more professionals with the skills you need.
View Vishal Y. profile on Upwork, the world’s work marketplace. Vishal has completed 83 jobs on Upwork. Check out the complete profile and discover more professionals with the skills you need.
react_chatbot_serverless 使用reactjs,带Cloudfront的AWS s3进行网络托管,route53,ACM,lambda,dyanomodb,api网关和react-simple-chatbot库 更新serverless.yaml update bucketname , alliesName as per stage custom: stages: - dev - prod bucketName: dev: mybucketdev prod: mybucketprod alliesName: dev: "...
Today, we're going to build a User Interface (i.e. UI) that resembles a chatbot where the user can type a question and receive an answer from the Node.js backend API we created. Table of contents Scaffolding a react app Creating the markup & styles Capturing the prompt value Triggering...