Reach-Router是前ReactRouter 成员 Ryan Florence 开发的一套基于 react 的路由控件. 那么已经有比较成熟的 ReactRouter 了, 为什么要”再”做一套 Router 呢, 最初的原因有兴趣的同学可以去了解一下, 本文会介绍 ReachRouter 并且说明具体比 ReactRouter 好在哪里. Overview 从RF 的 Tweet 上简单的发布可以看出...
reach-router是一个用于React应用程序的路由库,它提供了一种定义和管理路由的方式。使用reach-router定义带有可选参数的路由可以通过以下步骤完成: 首先,确保你的React应用程序中已经安装了reach-router库。你可以使用以下命令进行安装: 代码语言:txt 复制 npm install @reach/router 在你的应用程序中导入Router和Li...
要获取当前路由/页面,可以使用@reach/router提供的useLocation钩子函数。useLocation函数返回一个包含当前路由信息的location对象,其中包括pathname、search、hash等属性。 以下是一个示例代码,展示如何使用@reach/router获取当前路由/页面: 代码语言:txt 复制 import { useLocation } from "@reach/router"; function My...
开始reach router
Reach Router import Reactfrom"react";import{Router}from"@reach/router";constApp=()=>{return(Global Party Supplies,Inc<Router>// PATHS<Home path="/"/>// "/"<About path="about"/>// "/about"<Support path="support"/>// "/support"<Dashboard path="dashboard">// "/dashboard"<Report...
import { createHashSource } from "reach-router-hash-history"; const history = createHistory(createHashSource()); ReactDom.render( <LocationProvider history={history}> <Component /> </LocationProvider>, document.getElementById('app') ); ...
So, the next version of @reach/router is React Router v6. In other words, there will be no @reach/router v2, because it would be the same as React Router v6.A lot of the API is actually identical between @reach/router 1.3 and React Router v6:...
Next generation Routing for React.. Latest version: 1.3.4, last published: 5 years ago. Start using @reach/router in your project by running `npm i @reach/router`. There are 462 other projects in the npm registry using @reach/router.
Hi, I noticed that the Reach Router NPM package fails to install on React version 17.0.2 and I wanted to let you guys know about this issue. I'm attaching a screenshot below of the error thrown when I tried to install this package. Please let me know if you need any more details,...
I'm Using @reach/router, Now What? We will continue to support @reach/router 1.0 with bugfixes for the foreseeable future, so you don't need to do anything for a long time if you don't want to. If the new API interests you however, the migration should be pretty straightforward. Th...