PFCAs是PFAS(全氟烷基物质和多氟烷基物质)的一个子集,根据ECHA上个月公布的另一项限制草案,成员国也希望在欧洲完全限制其制造和使用。Entry 68 of Annex XVII of the REACH Regulation which aims to restrict perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCA) containing chains of 9 to 14 carbon atoms (PFCA C9-C14), the...
All products intended for sale in EU shall comply with REACH Annex XVII- “Restrictions on the Manufacture, Placing on the Market and Use of Certain Dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles” also known as "Restricted Substances List (RSL)". REACH
Entry 67 Decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE) This entry is deleted from Annex XVII as the substances have been incorporated into POPs Regulation (EU) 2019/1021. Entry 68 Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds This entry i...
This restriction on the C9-C14 PFCAs is included in entry 68 of annex XVII of the REACh regulation, in place of the text relating to PFOA, restricted since June 2020 via the regulation on persistent organic pollutants (regulation POP 2019/1021). C9-C14全氟羧酸的限制条款位于 REACh 法规附件...
Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/1297 was published on 4th August 2021, in order to amend REACH (EC) 1907/2006 Annex XVII entry 68. This amendment involved the addition and removal of multiple substances. As a result of this amendment (and an amendment to the Persistent Organic Pollutants Regu...
REACH Annex XVII add a restriction on PFHxA! On 20 September 2024, the Official Journal of the European Union published Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/2462 adding an entry 79 in Annex XVII of REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 for restriction on Undecafluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA), its salts...
Currently there are77valid entries on REACH Annex XVII (updated 2023).Each entry shows the substance or group of substances or the mixture, and the consequent restrictions conditions. Please note thatentry 33, 39 and 42have been deleted due to REACH updates and they are no longer valid. ...
On July 17 2023, the European Union issued a new regulation (EU) 2023/1464, amending REACH AnnexXVII,addedentry77 formaldehyde restriction clauseto control formaldehydeand formaldehyde releasing substances. The specificentryare as follows: 77.Formaldehyde ...
The maximum permitted amount of formaldehyde in textiles is 75mg/kg under entry 72.Table 1: Key restricted substances relevant to consumer goods Material Applicable restricted substances Annex XVII entry number Maximum permitted limit Test methods Textiles Aromatic amines (azo dyes) 43 30 mg/kg EN...
Recently, EU Commission adopted a draft to amend PAHs Entry under REACH Annex XVII to enlarge the scope of PAHs entry to consumer products. In accordance with this amendment, PAHs limits to any accessible rubber or plastic component of articles that come into direct and prolonged contact with ...