REACH Annex XVII Entry 63是关于总铅含量的测试规定。 2023 年 5 月 8 日,欧盟委员会在其官方公报上发布了 REACH 法规附件 XVII的修订案——(EU)2023/923,修订了第 63 条铅的相关限制要求,新增铅及其化合物在 PVC 物品中的使用限制。主要内容如下:- 若氯乙烯聚合物或共聚物(PVC)中铅浓度大于或等于 0.1%...
On 8 May 2023, the Official Journal of the European Union published Regulation (EU) 2023/923 amending the REACH Annex XVII entry 63 – lead restriction by adding the new restriction on lead in polymers or copolymers of vinyl chloride (PVC). This Regulation shall enter into force on the twen...
9. B欧盟4月23日正式发布新法规(EU)2015/628。对REACH法规附录XVII进行修订,限制铅在儿童可能接触的产品中的使用. 新法规将在REACH ANNEX XVII中ENTRY 63 增加以下几条: 7. Shall not be placed on the market or used in articles supplied to the general public, if the concentration of lead (expressed...
录XVII 中第63条铅及其化合物要求的修订,修订内容 将于2015年5月13日正式生效。修订案在对饰品原有 管控要求不变的基础上,扩大了产品的管控范围,涵 盖的产品类别包括儿童用品、日用杂货、纺织品、鞋、箱包皮具、配饰、文具、体育和休闲用品等在内的大众 消费品,但有豁免产品条款。修订内容新增7-10条款,其中...
On 12 July 2019, the European Commission (EC) submitted a draft amendment to the World Trade Organization (WTO), to amend the REACH Annex XVII entry 63 – lead restriction by adding the new restriction on lead in polymers or copolymers of vinyl chlo...
Lead and its compounds(entry 63) Mercury and its compounds(entry Chromium VI compounds(entry 47) Arsenic compounds(entry 19) CMR 1A/1B substances listed in the annex VI of CLP regulation(28,29,30) Nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates(entry 46) ...
All products intended for sale in EU shall comply with REACH Annex XVII- “Restrictions on the Manufacture, Placing on the Market and Use of Certain Dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles” also known as "Restricted Substances List (RSL)". REACH
东莞玩具检测机构 国标GB6675 欧盟EN 71 美国ASTMF963报告 ¥400.00 查看详情 加州65号提案 美国65认证办理机构 CA prop65 北测 ¥100.00 查看详情 钝化液空海运鉴定书 铁路运输报告 MSDS化学品安全说明书 ¥1000.00 查看详情 塑料玩具3C认证 国标GB6675检测报告 电商质检 CMA CNAS ¥400.00 查看详情 欧盟食品级...
REACH Annex XVII add a restriction on PFHxA! On 20 September 2024, the Official Journal of the European Union published Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/2462 adding an entry 79 in Annex XVII of REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 for restriction on Undecafluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA), its salts...
On July 17 2023, the European Union issued a new regulation (EU) 2023/1464, amending REACH AnnexXVII,addedentry77 formaldehyde restriction clauseto control formaldehydeand formaldehyde releasing substances. The specificentryare as follows: 77.Formaldehyde ...