RDS-EVENT-0071 Completed failover to DB instance: name. None failover RDS-EVENT-0072 Started same AZ failover to DB instance: name. None failover RDS-EVENT-0073 Started cross AZ failover to DB instance: name. None failure RDS-EVENT-0354 You can't create the DB cluster because ...
AWS CloudFormation Supports RDS DB Parameter Groups and Provisioned IOPS 2013年 Amazon RDS Announces Support for DB Event Notifications via Email and SMS Amazon RDS now supports 3TB and 30,000 Provisioned IOPS per database instance Amazon RDS now supports point-and-click upgrade from MySQL 5.1 to...
{ "eventId": "eventId", "secretName": "SecretName", "secretType": "Rds", "RotationEntityArn": "acs:rds:$regionId:$accountId:dbinstance/$dbinstanceid", "rotationStatus": "Invalid", "rotationSubType": "SingleUser", "failureInfo": { "errorCode": "Kms:ErrorCode", "errorMessage": ...
以下示例表示,在北京时间2021年08月04日10:29:37,阿里云账号通过AK LTAICy8jSBYN***调用RestartDBInstance接口重启了上海地域ID为rm-1udt95gm98274***的RDS实例。 { "eventId": "55149DB3-9B17-5F96-99D7-10BCEC5A669D", "eventVersion": 1, "responseElements": { "RequestId": "55149DB3-9B17-...
该事件显示名为 my-db-cluster 的集群已修补。事件 ID 为 RDS-EVENT-0173。 { "version": "0", "id": "844e2571-85d4-695f-b930-0153b71dcb42", "detail-type": "RDS DB Cluster Event", "source": "aws.rds", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2018-10-06T12:26:13Z", "region":...
DBInstanceIdentifier: rdsid,LogFileName: logObj.LogFileName,Marker: marker };let request=new AWS.RDS().downloadDBLogFilePortion(params);request.on('success',(response)=>{ console.log(s3name+' '+response.data.Marker);try { fs.appendFileSync('/tmp/'+s3name,zlib.gzipSync(response.data.LogFile...
400 InvalidOrderTask.NotSupport The Current InstanceId exist Order Task in RDS. 当前实例存在未执行完成的订单任务,请稍后重试。 400 InvalidEVENT Current DB instance has event schedule, this operation is not supported. - 400 InvalidSSLstatus Current DB instance has SSL enabled, this operation is not...
CheckInstanceExsit 查询实例是否存在。 CheckRecoveryConditions 检查恢复条件。 CheckRegionSupportBackupEncryption 检查指定地域是否支持备份加密。 CheckServiceLinkedRole 查询是否已创建服务关联角色(SLR)。 ClearDedicatedHost 清空RDS主机。 CloneDBInstance 将历史数据恢复至一个新实例(称为克隆实例)。 CloneDBInstanceFor...
event of any issues with the upgrade phase, you can restore the latest backup. The duration of the outage varies based on your engine version and the DB instance class. You can determine the exact amount of time it takes by exercising a test upgrade using a snapshot restore of the ...
{instanceId},工作ID={workflowId}对系统的影响 用户对ha实例操作定时任务功能,可能一个成功,一个失败,但用户感知不到,造成 主备倒换后event设置失效。可能原因 ● 网络问题,管控侧与实例侧通信失败。 ● agent进程异常。处理步骤 步骤1 参考查看实例操作失败任务,找到任务失败的原因和失败的阶段。